Life at Deloitte

About that one thing

Two professionals share how they boost their well-being

September 27, 2018

Deloitte places great emphasis on the well-being of professionals. The well-being initiatives, spearheaded by Jen Fisher, national managing director of well-being, Deloitte Services LP, encourages employees to take time for themselves to re-center and re-charge even during the busiest seasons. It also helps professionals to pursue at least one thing that is most important to them outside of work. This can range from family activities to sporting adventures, including training for a marathon to doing a yoga class each morning.

Two audit & assurance professionals from Deloitte’s Omaha office have both found at least one thing that gives them an extra boost to their well-being, especially during the busy season. Here’s what they shared.

Reanna’s one thing

University of South Dakota Beacom School of Business graduate Reanna Bertram juggles multiple responsibilities as an audit & assurance senior at Deloitte & Touche LLP, but one of the things she enjoys is finding one new way to relax each week. From bible study to spending her Saturdays at home, Reanna makes sure to take a break from work to focus on her well-being.

“There’s a top-down approach when it comes to well-being at Deloitte. It’s built into our culture here,” shared Reanna. “I often get messages from senior managers and peers asking what I’m still doing at the office when I’m supposed to be leaving for my bible study.”

Grace’s one thing

Grace Cabri, Creighton University alum and former Deloitte & Touche LLP intern now turned audit & assurance professional, has found that focusing on one thing that she enjoys gives her a big boost to her well-being. Grace chooses to leave the office early at least once per week to play soccer with her friends.

“Work-life balance is extremely important to keep my energy up,” said Grace. “Pursuing my one thing allows me to give my all at work and to come back energized for what lies ahead.”

Deloitte’s approach to well-being

Both Reanna and Grace shared that Deloitte makes it incredibly easy for them to pursue these activities. In fact, they are often held accountable if they do not keep up with their well-being activities. Grace keeps her one thing posted on her wall as a reminder to herself and her peers of what is truly important to her outside of work.

Busy professionals often juggle multiple competing priorities, but while it’s good to be able to keep up with a long list of to-dos, it’s also important to have at least one thing outside of work to look forward to every day. Many Deloitte professionals say that they find time for themselves to focus on well-being and are also encouraged to do so by their leaders and peers.

Learn more about well-being at Deloitte.

About the author:
Kelly Gehring was a Pioneer Intern with Deloitte & Touche LLP during the summer of 2018, based in the Omaha, NE office. 

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