Life at Deloitte

Finding the right fit

Finding purpose in your job search and networking opportunities

January 11, 2022

The new year is an ideal time for new beginnings, including a new job. The right job. Tracy Angona is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) on Deloitte Services LP’s Coaching & Transitions team, which provides coaching and resources to help our people grow and thrive at various points along their career journey. She recently shared valuable insight with us and helpful tips to help guide you if you are searching for a job in the new year.


  • Ask yourself the important questions. It’s essential that as you conduct your job search, you consider what’s most important to you. What are the organization’s values? Do they align with yours and your personal goals? “Slow down. Think about what’s not working in your current role. What strengthens you? What drains you?”, Tracy shared.
  • Network effectively. Networking is key. Use your connections. “Updating your business social profile and applying for jobs online is important but locating a connection and reaching out to get a referral can be helpful,” Tracy explained. Use your available tools to develop and maintain long-lasting professional connections.

  • Avoid the common pitfalls. “People too often fail to prepare for networking meetings and interviews,” shared Tracy. Arriving prepared can help you make the best of your time, but also shows respect. Another common mistake is not reaching out to thank people who provide you with helpful advice, which can also help maintain relationships. Remembering the little things people tell you is so much more important than many people realize. For example, if someone mentions to you that they have a beloved pet, or a favorite sports team, you might want to work that into your email.

    “The holidays and the beginning of the new year can be a great time to search for a new job,” shared Tracy. “There are often many new roles posted to job boards at the beginning of the first quarter of the year.”

Start your job search now and make 2022 your year for a new career.

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