Life at Deloitte

Networking and working in a hybrid environment

Two Deloitte professionals share how they connect, collaborate, and drive impact

February 8, 2024

Most Deloitte professionals operate in a hybrid workplace model that optimizes a combination of virtual and in-person interactions. We are intentional about when we co-locate with each other and our clients for maximum impact, while empowering our people to preserve the flexibility that they desire.

We recently met with sourcing managers Laurie Davis and Anna Fitzpatrick, both from Deloitte Services LP, who shared their insights and their experience working in a hybrid environment.

How have you and your teams been intentional about staying connected in a hybrid work environment?


As a leader, part of my job is to be open to the different ways people find it most helpful to stay connected. We also make time for having fun. For example, we have “walking calls,” intended to catch up while we get some exercise. We primarily use instant messaging and email in addition to the occasional office time and have done a lot of research on getting the best out of hybrid work. For example, we only turn video on during video calls when there is a small number of people on the call. We also give people advanced notice when we are planning on having video participation; it’s never mandated, and we have a “come as you are” policy. Video participation is helpful though, because we’ve found that more can be gained from the conversation when you can see people’s faces, expressions, and reactions.


We have consistent bi-weekly team meetings. I also make sure my team knows they can get ahold of me at any time during the workday, just as if we were in an office and they stopped by my desk with a question. We also connect during the day by sharing general life updates to maintain personal connections with our colleagues.

What have been the biggest challenges you and your team experienced while working remotely?


The biggest challenge has been developing connections with people in a short period of time. Not having in-person conversations and in-person team-building events can make connections less personal at times, but by making sure not all of our conference calls are strictly business-related, we’ve been able to overcome that challenge.


I think the challenges of being hybrid can be knowledge transfer and making sure everyone is consistently following the same processes. To help overcome these challenges, we’ve created documentation that we’ve placed on our internal collaboration sites. This gives the team a reference point they can start at or be directed towards when a refresh of our process steps is needed.

Laurie Davis
Anna Fitzpatrick

What have you learned about your working style, given Deloitte’s hybrid work environment?


Deloitte’s hybrid work environment helped me to learn when I am most productive and have the most energy and provides me flexibility. I tend to get lost in my work and lose track of time. This made me realize how important it is to make sure I set my own boundaries on when I am and am not available. For instance, because we work across geographies, it’s not unusual to receive emails outside of my time zone and working hours. It’s important to remember that just because I may receive an email at 6 AM, that doesn’t mean my response is expected then.


The hybrid/remote environment has changed my perception of one-on-one meetings and team check-ins. Previously, in an office environment, I tried to limit these to my stakeholders and manager. Now I am intentional about staying connected with peers and team members. These have taken the place of the walk to get coffee or lunch experiences you may have in an office environment.

Deloitte Insiders


Getting hired for a job that can be done remotely was one of the best things that could have happened to me at this stage in my life. I am a single mama to a spunky and loving 5-year-old. I save countless hours by skipping the commute. It is consistently one of the things that I am most grateful for.

—Sydney Stern Miller, digital marketing manager, Deloitte Services LP

Learn more about how Deloitte professionals such as Anna, Laurie, and Sydney enjoy the flexibility of hybrid work.
Check out Deloitte Insiders

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Want to know what life at Deloitte is like in our hybrid workplace model? Watch our interactive video to hear from our Deloitte professionals and see how we connect, collaborate, and drive impact across various locations.

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