Life at Deloitte

World Refugee Day 2022

Celebrating the strength and courage of refugees and recognizing their resilience

June 20, 2022

Every year on June 20th, the global community comes together to honor refugees on World Refugee Day. This day is an opportunity for citizens to reflect on the plight of refugees and recognize their resilience.

First celebrated in 2001 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, World Refugee Day celebrates the strength and courage of those who have been forced to flee their homes to escape conflict or persecution. World Refugee Day highlights the right, needs, and dreams of refugees and mobilizes communities around the world to help them thrive.

This year, the UN’s focus for World Refugee Day is on the right to seek safety: safety to seek asylum, safety to access borders, safety from returning to a country where one’s life or freedom is at risk, safety from discrimination, and safety from inhumane treatment.

Deloitte Consulting LLP (a US firm) remains dedicated to supporting this population and has taken steps to welcome refugees into our Deloitte community. In the last year, Deloitte has joined the Tent Coalition for Afghan Refugees, a network of diverse companies from across the United States working to integrate Afghan refugees into the US workforce by hiring and training them. Deloitte has also signed into a business relationship with Upwardly Global, an organization that seeks to eliminate employment barriers for immigrant and refugee professionals by advancing the inclusion of their skills into the US economy.

In addition to these major milestones, Deloitte Consulting LLP continues to support refugees through our pro-bono and skills-based volunteer projects with refugee resettlement agencies, partnering with the organizations to improve the refugee journey.

Join us this year as we celebrate World Refugee Day and honor the many contributions that refugees bring to our communities.

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