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Winning Policies & Strategies Playbook

Your tools to develop robust, satisfying and sustainable strategies for the successful implementation of policy

The EU policy cycle requires the close interaction of a variety of actors responsible for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating policy initiatives. This includes the many factors responsible for implementing policies (such as the decentralised agencies and bodies across the EU).

This policy cycle is increasingly impacted by a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world, with the need to adapt and introduce policies to respond to global challenges and changes. How can the organisations responsible for implementing these evolving policies make sure that they embed new responsibilities in their day-to-day activities and make the right choices on how to get organised?

We know that it's not always easy to find the right balance between policies and regulatory frameworks, and administrative requirements - while also maintaining consistency, sustainability and coherence in your organisational strategies.

- Hilde Van de Velde

Organisations can follow a cascade of choices to design strategies that are simultaneously robust, satisfying and sustainable in the face of their changing environment.

Our Playbook proposes a practical illustration of Deloitte’s Strategic Choice Cascade, which can help organisations to develop strategies that are aligned with the evolving policy cycle. The cascade consists of five interlinked pillars, which each seek to answer guiding questions to make sure the choices made at the level of the organisational configuration (e.g. structural design, processes, people, etc.) are consistent with the overall goals and aspirations of the organisation.

Overview of the Playbook

Curious to find out more?

Should you be interested, we are available on request to hold a presentation session of the Playbook or have a deeper discussion on its contents. For more information, please contact us using the form below or via

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