Posted: 07 Jun. 2023 10 min. read

Technology Trends 2023 - Deloitte report                                                                                                                     

Deloitte’s 14th annual Tech Trends report explores the impact of emerging technology opportunities in the innovation areas of interaction, information, and computation, and the foundational areas of business of technology, cyber and trust, and core modernization.   

What technological trends will dominate the next 24-36 months?

The father of computers is considered to be Charles Babbage - mathematician, astronomer, philosopher and mechanical engineer, who in the 1820s designed the first mechanical computer - the so-called difference machine. Since then, the world of computer science has revolved around the three main concepts we see in Babbage's ideas: interaction, data, and computation. They are the ones who develop IT in the direction of simplifying and enriching experiences, processing data in all forms and predictive analytics. They enable miniaturization, distribution and virtualization to achieve better, faster, cheaper and stronger computing power.

In addition to the three basic dimensions that are the driving force of technological development, it is necessary to provide foundations and balance in the pursuit of technological innovations. It's about managing technology, security and trust in the digital world, and modernizing the platforms that underpin the enterprise. These additional dimensions remind us that technology is the answer to business needs and that investments in IT must fit into the existing landscape of the company to enable the development and stable operation of the entire organization.

With regard to the aforementioned six technological factors, Deloitte analysts describe the changes taking place and present market development forecasts for the next 24-36 months every year. What trends from this year's Deloitte "Tech Trends" report can be revolutionary for the world of technology and business?                                                                                                        

Tech Trends 2023

Technology trend #1

Through the Looking Glass: Enterprises and the Metaverse

Engaging virtual experiences, including the metaverse , are rapidly shifting from entertainment to business tools. Increasingly, companies are building business models around the opportunities provided by " unbounded and virtual reality ". The Internet universe can become another interesting place for companies to interact with customers, where they can build their loyalty, commitment and test new ideas. It is predicted that by 2026, around 25% of consumers will spend at least 1 hour a day in the metaverse, while currently only 30% of companies have products and services ready for them.

Technology trend #2

Learn to trust AI

Successfully building trust is becoming a key differentiator for enterprises using artificial intelligence (AI) . Algorithms take over human-like tasks that go beyond basic number processing. They enter the sphere of decision-making resulting from more than simple business rules - based on machine learning and artificial intelligence. Organizations that are moving towards greater use of AI are learning that trust is just as important as the strength or number of algorithms, because people don't use what they don't trust.

Technology trend #3

Above the Clouds: Harnessing Multicloud Chaos

Enterprises feel overwhelmed by the multitude of clouds used. The hope is the multicloud concept , which aims to optimize the complexity of cloud environments by providing a single control panel that gives access to common services for multiple cloud platforms.

Technology trend #4

Flexibility is key: an important skill for IT professionals

Technological qualifications become outdated very quickly. Hiring employees for current needs is no longer a rational strategy. Experienced leaders focus on flexible employees and the ability to create, develop and retain the best specialists. Companies can ensure constant access to professionals by creating an organizational structure based not only on IT skills, but also on interpersonal skills, while providing attractive conditions necessary for flexible development of employees in the area of ​​new technologies within the organization.

Technology trend #5

Decentralized architectures and ecosystems

Systems based on blockchain technology become the basis not only in the process of creating and monetizing digital assets, but also in building digital trust . The growing awareness of the potential offered by this technology is related to the understanding of its role in the process of increasing credibility, bringing invaluable benefits to every company. This process concerns, among others, the use of blockchain in applications, business models, IT architecture, systems, supply chains and cybersecurity.

Technology trend #6

Connect and expand: mainframe modernization is accelerating

Instead of getting rid of obsolete systems (legacy), enterprises strive to modernize them and combine them with newer technologies. Solutions that extend the capabilities of old systems allow organizations to use proven functionalities in combination with the flexibility and capabilities of new technologies. Mainframe technology guarantees several decades of support for working software, thanks to which many IT solutions have been operating almost unchanged since the last century. For a large part of enterprises, the indisputable advantages of mainframe technology cannot be overestimated - single mainframe servers still offer the highest performance on the market, and also guarantee flexible scalability, high availability (HA) and uninterrupted operation in the event of extensive failures (DR). It is worth noting that the mainframe technology itself is still being developed.

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Technology Trends 2023

Read what will be the key directions of innovation and development in the area of ​​technology.
Here are six tech trends that will shape the growth of companies in the coming years.

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Georgi Chonkov

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