
Digitalizing the construction industry

A case study in complex disruption

Technology isn't the only, or even main, source of disruption. Increasingly, all it takes is the realization that social and economic factors enable old technologies to be used in new ways.

In today’s complex technological environment, disruption is no longer an outcome of a single disruptor. The paradigm is shifting to a more complex form of disruption, where various technological and nontechnological factors converge and enable the creation and spread of new operating models.

In the Digitalizing the construction industry the report uses the case study of Unitized Building to showcase how the digitalization of construction opened the gates for complex disruption within the industry. The study highlights how previously unsolvable problems were solved by viewing the challenge through a different lens, leveraging established technologies in a novel way, and refining standard construction techniques to yield results beyond incremental improvement.

Digitalizing the construction industry
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