
Crisis management

Most management teams have never faced a crisis and, therefore, have little idea of how to react when a chain of events and negative consequences occur.

In the same way, lack of knowledge and experience can limit actions to avoid a crisis that can spiral out of control.

When a crisis occurs, the fundamental requirement is to assume complete control of the organization so that actions and responses are coordinated. If there are liquidity problems, the first critical step is to manage cash flow to minimize leakage and buy more time. In addition, proactive communication is essential to calm financial stakeholders, employees and clients and explain decisions underway.

Once the company is stabilized and the future is more secure, the main points should be evaluated and a robust medium-term recovery plan prepared. These actions need to cover all aspects of strategy, operations and finances, with appropriate prioritization of the subsequent critical steps. At the same time, contingency plans and alternative strategies should be considered to protect stakeholder value.

Deloitte professionals have experience in supporting and assisting management teams in crisis situations, with:

  • Cash flow management;
  • Proactive communication;
  • A robust recovery plan;
  • Contingency plans and alternative strategies.

Key contact

Luis Vasco

Luis Vasco

Turnaround and Restructuring Partner

With more than 15 years of solid professional experience, today he is partner of Deloitte's Turnaround and Restructuring service in Brazil.... More