
Make-or-break moments in the consumer sector

Insights into M&A and post-pandemic recovery

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are some of the most complex events an enterprise can undertake. Whether it’s a transaction, integration, or separation, M&A activity can make or break an organization. When COVID-19 evolved into a worldwide pandemic, M&A was the last item on the agenda for many organizations in the consumer industry. Uncertainty loomed and recovery was hard to imagine. But, amid the chaos, opportunities to strengthen or streamline have presented themselves for many consumer businesses.

Considering the continued economic uncertainty, some players in the consumer space may view M&A decisions with caution, preferring to improve their profitability organically. As they consider their path toward recovery, M&A executives have two primary strategies: defensive and offensive.

This report will outline:

  • Defensive deal strategies
  • Offensive deal strategies
  • Main factors that can destroy deal value

M&A is going to play a critical role in the consumer sector, whether companies have offensive or defensive strategies. Successful executives should follow three main principles: find the right deal, do the deal right, and see it through. Connect with Deloitte’s M&A team to discover how M&A could be a defining moment for your enterprise.

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