Performance issue 17 - May 2015


Performance Magazine - Issue 19

Investment Management - Januar 2016

Reflections on infrastructure, real assets, digitalisation etc. as well as investment strategies such as Smart Beta and the realities of the Eurocrisis are in focus. More precisely, we interview the BVI on their thinking about ELTIFs and we are brought back to the harsh realities of the European context by a thought-provoking and slightly uncomfortable piece examining the specter of the ongoing euro crisis that many would wish us to believe behind us, and here examined in the cold and rational light of objective reasoning.  

In summary and in brief, this edition of Performance breaks new ground in bringing you insights that inform as well as provoke reflection. It challenges stereotypes at it challenges pre-conceived or accepted ideas, and it updates our understanding of what is new and what is topical in the wide wolrd of investing.

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In this issue

2016 Regulatory Agenda - Top priorities

Get a snapshot of the EMEA regulatory landscape at your fingertips.

This year, our agenda focusses on:

  • Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM): Supervisory Review and Evaluation (SREP)/Stress testing
  • Capital Requirement Directive & Regulation (CRD/CRR), Single Resolution Mechanism, Bank Recovery & Resolution Directive, Desposit Guarantee Scheme Directive (SRM/BRRD/DGSD)
  • Data Quality and the Principles for Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting (BCBS 239/AnaCredit)
  • European Market and Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR)
  • Securities Financing Transaction Regulation (SFTR)
  • Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and Regulation (MiFID II / MiFIR)
  • Key Investor Information Documents for Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs)
  • European Long Term Investment Funds (ELTIF), Restricted Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF), Alternative Investment Fund Manager Directive (AIFMD)
  • UCITS V 
  • Payment Services Directive II / Payment Accounts Directive (PSD II / PAD)
  • Insurance Matters: Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) and Solvency II
  • Common Reporting Standard (CRS) 
  • Capital Market Union (CMU)
Download the full agenda
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