
Project proposal structuring and project application preparation

EU funds

Grants and tax reliefs / EU funds / Project preparation / Project implementation / Technical assistance / Trainings

High-quality project preparation increases the probability to receive grants and/or enjoy tax reliefs

Deloitte offers comprehensive support for the development of project ideas and proposals, in the preparation and submission of project proposals for the award of grants and/or use of tax reliefs and supports and/or financial instruments of the EU.
A high-quality preparation of a project proposal increases the probability to obtain grants of tax reliefs and facilitates a later project implementation and the utilisation of the total contracted amount.
Project application preparation services include the following:

  • Preparation of project proposal and complete documentation based on the “key-in-hand” principle – EU funds;
  • Preparation of application for the use of tax reliefs in the investment and development segment and research and development projects pursuant to the Investment Promotion Act and the Act on State Aid for Research and Development Projects;
  • Preparation of feasibility studies with a cost and benefit analysis (CBA);
  • Preparation and design of strategic growth plans (strategies);
  • Preparation of business plans;
  • Finding sources of funding for projects and business operations (venture capital, business angels, loans from the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) and commercial banks, ESIF loans and guarantees of Hamag Bicro etc.).


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