
Women in the boardroom

Global and India perspective

Recent legislative efforts and other initiatives have helped bring women’s representation in the boardroom to an all-time high. Despite this, nearly 90 percent of the world’s board seats still belong to men. This fourth edition of the Deloitte Global Center for Corporate Governance’s publication, Women in the boardroom: A global perspective highlights those initiatives, spanning 6,000 companies in 40 different countries, aimed at balancing the scales in favor of a more diverse and inclusive boardroom.

Organizations would benefit from increased participation from shareholders on gender diversity discussions in the boardroom.

This research represents one of the most comprehensive and far-reaching surveys of recent efforts to increase the participation of women in boardrooms across the globe. Interest from regulators, investors, governments, companies, and the media has increased with each revision to the research, along with the number of countries we cover.

Women in the boardroom: A global perspective

With the legal and regulatory push in the form of the Companies Act, 2013 and Revised Clause 49 of the Equity Listing Agreement, many Indian companies have started introducing women directors to their boards. However, as most of these women are first-time directors, they will need to participate in appropriate training and onboarding programs facilitated by the nomination and remuneration committee and supported by the full board.

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