FinTech Talks Magazine #Issue 2

Looking Towards the Future

The second installment of the magazine features thoughts and insights from leaders all over the world shared during our Fintech Journeys around the world, and a multi-disciplinary overview of Decentralized Finance, explored during OIM 21 – Investment Management Symposium.

It’s the ability to drive and govern change that makes the Financial Technology field so exciting. The ability to adapt, turn adversities into opportunities, that lies at the core of each and every visionary. This is what we were looking for in our Fintech Journeys around the world.

In one of the most difficult year for FSI – and for the whole world – we searched for inspiring stories coming from different geographies, to explore how the financial services world has mastered the disruption brought by the pandemic. What we discovered were incredibly innovative ways, aiming to build a different future and close the gaps that were creating inefficiencies and inequalities.

Change can be daunting. However, it can be understood, controlled and turned into a mean to reach new goals and objectives. This was the aim of the 3rd Investment Management Symposium, organized by SIAT and Deloitte: understand De-Fi - the next big disruption in Financial Services – and how even traditional players can learn and take advantage of it.

In this issue Deloitte brought together experts and FinTech leaders from all over the world:

Luca Anzola, Head of Multimanager & Alternative Investments at Fideuram Asset Management SGR
Alessandro Bertirotti, Professor of Anthropology of Mind Università di Genova
Paolo Biamino, Product Development & Manager Selection at Euromobiliare Asset Management SGR
Luca Boiardi, CEO at The Crypto Gateway
Davide Bulgarelli, President of SIAT
Davide Capoti, CEO at Rocket Capital Investment and Board Member SIAT
Moises Cohen, Co-Founder & Chief Banking Officer at The Floor
Bruno Diniz, Managing Partner at Spiralem
Samantha Ghiotti, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at SingLife
Laura Grassi, Head of FinTech & InsurTech Observatory at Politecnico di Milano
David Jegerson, Evp Head of Customer Experience and Platform development at the National Bank Of Fujairah
Manuela Maccia, Chief Investment Officer at BNL-BNP Paribas
Lexi Novitske, Managing Partner at Acuity Venture Partners
Marco Piovesan, Director of the Centre for Experimental Economics at University of Copenaghen & Università di Verona

