
Incentives created by the governments and utilized by private companies

We are involved in creating, implementing and revising incentives and measuring their effectiveness, providing added value to both governments and private companies.

Deloitte has teams exclusively dedicated to tax and non-tax incentives such as subsidies around the world (Global Investment & Innovation Incentives, "Gi3"). By working together, these teams are able to seamlessly assist companies in researching and obtaining incentives, regardless of country or industry. Incentives are created by governments and used by private companies. We act as an intermediary between the public and private companies, adding value to both.

Research on incentives at domestic and international

Governments have created a variety of incentives in response to the climate change crisis. For example, governments are offering institutional incentives in the form of carbon offsets and carbon credits to companies in order to encourage innovation and sustainable development that will contribute to solving the urgent issues of reducing GHG emissions and increasing energy efficiency.

Many other subsidies and tax incentives have been created to promote innovation, research and development (R&D), digital infrastructure development, and investments related to job growth and sustainability. Identifying, understanding, and prioritizing the incentives that fit a company's investment plans can be a time-consuming and difficult task, but one that has the potential to yield significant financial benefits.


Support for obtaining specific incentives

Even if a company is able to identify a highly applicable incentive, it is often the case that the company will give up on applying because they are unable to allocate the additional man-hours to prepare an application and perform the various coordination tasks needed to obtain incentives in addition to their existing routine tasks. We also hear many stories of companies that are able to secure the resources to file an application, but lack the knowledge and experience to make their applications worthy of approval.

Incentives are positioned both to serve as a primer for new investment and to encourage additional investment. The accumulation of individual incentives can have a significantly positive financial impact.


Support on requests for institutional reform

To further accelerate innovation in society and to further pursue the public interest, industry associations or individual companies may submit requests to the government for system reform. These requests must be backed by evidence, of course, and it is presumed that such evidence will make the proposal convincing and rational. Although we cannot be directly involved in the recommendation process, we can provide support for collecting appropriate evidence based on research into the latest circumstances in other countries and our accumulated knowledge from the past.

*Services provided by Gi3

Professionals in charge

Masaaki Miura

Masaaki Miura

Deloitte Tohmatsu Tax Co., Partner / Deloitte Tohmatsu Immigration and License Co., Partner

Masaaki joined Deloitte Tohmatsu Tax Co. (former Tohmatsu Tax Co.) in 2013, as an expert in transfer pricing taxation. He has experience in providing services to multinational companies both domestica... More