
Harrison Hae Sup Lee


Harrison Hae Sup Lee

서울시 영등포구 국제금융로 10

서울국제금융센터 One IFC 빌딩 4~12층



(우) 07326

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Harrison Hae Sup Lee is the leader of LSHC Industry of Deloitte Group Korea and is in charge of corporate financial advisory, startup advisory, and telecommunications-media-tech (TMT) industry at Deloitte Anjin Financial Advisory.

After graduating from the University of Chicago Economics and Oriental Linguistic Humanities, over the past 23 years, he has been providing a variety of advisory services to domestic and foreign companies in bio-healthcare, pharmaceutical, communications, software, service platforms, aerospace and finance, and partnership-Joint Venture-Acquisition-Sale-Investment. In addition, he has experience in variety of start-ups based on expertise in emerging technologies.

Harrison Hae Sup Lee