
Brexit referendum: the morning after

Join our call

Banking alert | 24 June 2016 | Brexit: The morning after

Join our call to discuss the impact on the UK and European economies, tax implications, and how organisations should respond

Discussion points

Join Ian Stewart, Deloitte’s Chief Economist, Rick Cudworth, Lead Partner for Contingency Planning, Sally Jones, Director in Deloitte’s Tax Policy Group, and Christiane Cunningham, Director of European Regulatory Affairs, Deloitte Brussels, to discuss:

  • prospects for the UK and European economies and for financial markets;
  • the future of the EU and Britain’s place in Europe;
  • the trade and tax implications of the UK’s changing relationship with the EU; and
  • how businesses and organisations should respond to the changing environment.

How to join the call

Feel free to register for the call by clicking here

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