
AI Insights and Engagement

Reveal smarter insights. Achieve stronger outcomes.

We generate human-like insights and recommendations from structured and unstructured data using science based capabilities, machine learning and artificial intelligence platforms to increase profitability, catalyse growth, improve stakeholder engagement and reduce service delivery costs.

Think about humans with machines, strategy with insights, cost reduction with automation, data with purpose and speed with precision. The power of with has never been greater. Deloitte is helping companies harness that power to identify transformative advantages and move faster with greater precision, to improve decision-making, and to create beneficial connections with customers.

What is AI?

At Deloitte, we believe AI refers to: “Algorithms that enable machines to imitate or augment human decision-making”

Free up workers to be more creative

Create new products / Pursue new markets

Reduced revenue leakage

Transformation cost reduction / less people to do the job

Improve user experience

Improve insights and faster decision making

Why Deloitte? How can we help?

We can help you leverage the power and versatility of AI to reach new levels of organisational excellence. Starting with defining an AI strategy to develop new business models, and improve outcomes in key areas of your operations, we can help you along every step of the journey as you turn data into insights and apply them.

We can help you modernise your analytics and data using next generation cloud-enabled platforms and big data architectures to enable analytics and AI-powered organisations. Learn more...

Our robotic and intelligent automation team can work with you in implementing automated processes (attended and unattended) to emulate human decision-making, interactions, and judgments and discover new opportunities to drive results at every level of your business. Learn more...  

Ultimately, we can help you reach AI insights and engagement by using next-generation autonomous algorithms, augmenting your human decision-making, generating highly actionable predictions and insights from your data, and enabling more autonomous decision-making.

We bring:
  1. A highly specialised pool of Analytics and AI practitioners to delivering science-driven solutions.
  2. Accelerators, tools and solutions that enable us to reduce your time to value and enhance your implementation.
  3. Ecosystem of partners and vendors that enable us to bring a broad perspective from a variety of fields.
  4. Recognised thought leader in Analytics and AI with broad range of articles and POVs published across channels.


Damian Heath

Damian Heath


Damian leads the Enterprise Technology and Performance service line within the Consulting Business at Deloitte in Malta, incorporating three core pillars: ERP, CRM and HCM platform delivery and adviso... More