
Kasturi Nathan

Enterprise Risk Leader, Strategy, Risk & Transactions, Southeast Asia

Kasturi Nathan

Level 16, Menara LGB

1, Jalan Wan Kadir

Taman Tun Dr. Ismail

Kuala Lumpur



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Kasturi is armed with more than 26 years of experience specialising in corporate governance, board advisory services as well as sustainability advisory services. She is a renowned trainer for boards, adjudicator for several eminent corporate reporting awards, and was the appointed subject matter expert for corporate governance assessments conducted by the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

Kasturi is frequently engaged to conduct corporate governance assessments and evaluations, a prominent leader for governance and board advisory projects for numerous public listed and public interest entities, specializing in governance & sustainability related projects, policy and procedures review and enhancements as well as capacity building. She is actively involved in board effectiveness evaluation and conducting remuneration review exercises for directors and C-suite members and has expertise to conduct regulatory and compliance review assessments, covering Sarbanes – Oxley (both USSOC and JSOX).

She is a market pioneer in her leadership and supervision of blue-ocean projects with the Local Stock Exchange both on the development of Corporate Governance Guides and Sustainability Reporting Guide and Sustainability Toolkits and has field-experience and expertise in the supervision, development and application of corporate governance and corporate sustainability for over 200 projects locally, regionally and globally.