Organisational resilience: preparation and response to climate-related disruption


Organisational resilience: preparation and response to climate-related disruption

Why organisations need to rethink their climate response strategies

Climate change is creating a new reality for organisations in many ways. Increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events is one of them. In our Point of View, we share why extreme weather conditions require organisations to approach their response differently.

Why do organisations need to rethink their response?

Extreme weather events often have a significant impact. These events not only pose immediate threats to operational continuity but also disrupt the ecosystems within which organisations operate. Extreme weather can severely affect the supply chain, infrastructure or the livelihood of employees. In light of these challenges, organisations must adopt a proactive stance that prioritizes adaptability, collaboration, and resilience.

Organisational resilience: preparation and response to climate-related disruption

How can we support you?

The Deloitte Resilience, Crisis and Reputation team supports organisations in their journey to become more climate resilient. Our approach addresses the new reality organisations face to deal with climate-related disruption.

Examples of the services we provide are:

  • Business Continuity Management: we help you understand how extreme weather impacts your critical services, processes, and products
  • Crisis Management: We help your organisation prepare for extreme weather events by making your crisis management plans and stakeholder collaboration future-proof
  • Crisis simulation: To mature your response to extreme weather, it is important to regularly train and exercise your response to such events. We offer simulations to organization, in which they gain confidence and experience in how to respond to a climate-related disruption.

More information?

Do you want to learn more about how to make your organisation more resilient against climate change? Please connect with  Anouk Roeling.

Download our POV here.

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