
Talent in Insurance

Based on a global survey of 174,000 business students in 31 countries, although fast-moving consumer goods industry is ranked first, banking is closing the gap in Turkey. However, the insurance sector is not a popular career choice for business students both in Turkey as well as globally.

Insurance sector is ranked behind on the list of popular industries for the business students

Based on a global survey of 174,000 business students in 31 different countries, in 2014, banking sector has lost its popularity as the most preferred sector among business students and has fallen behind the FMCG sector. Software and computer services sector is ranked in the 3rd place. In Turkey, the results are a little different- FMCG industry still keeps its first place but its popularity has been decreasing while popularity of the banking sector has been increasing.

Across the globe, insurance is the 18th most popular industry out of 30 for business students. Among all the countries who participated in the survey, the popularity of the insurance sector in Turkey ranks behind the popularity of the sector in 23 countries.


Globally, work-life balance tops business students’ career goals. However, in Turkey, the primary goal is “to be a leader and manager of people”.

Globally insurance-inclined business students made “work-life balance” as their top career goal, closely followed by “to be secure or stable in my job”. In Turkey, the ranking is different. Top three career goals of Turkish insurance-inclined students are “to be a leader or manager of people”, “to be entrepreneurial or creative/innovative” and “to have an international career” respectively. “To be secure or stable in my job” ranks in the 4th place for the Turkish students, however its share has increased rapidly compared to 2013 due to the economic uncertainties. According to the results in Turkey, “to have work-life balance” falls behind these 4 goals on the list and ranks in the 5th place.


“Professional training and development” is a higher priority in expectations from the ideal employers

“Clear path for advancement” ranks as the top expectation from the ideal employers by the Turkish insurance inclined students.   “Professional training and development” and “Leaders who will support my development” ranks in the 2nd and 3rd place respectively. Top three expectations are mainly related to career development and training.

“High future earnings” and “opportunities for international travel/relocation” are the job attributes that Turkish insurance-inclined students want more than they expect insurers to provide.

Turkey - Talent in Insurance
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