
Rising consumerism

Winning the hearts and minds of health care consumers

The intersection between rising consumerism and a growing retail orientation in the health care sector presents challenges for existing players. This report explores three shifts that health industry players should respond to, and that can set the scene for greater consumer involvement.

 The health care system is undergoing major changes: Individuals are shouldering more of the financial burden and are becoming more involved in medical decision-making, whether they want to or not. As a result, existing busi­ness models are being challenged to find and deliver new sources of value and innovative approaches to make health care less compli­cated and to improve outcomes. Of essence to this recalibration is a focus on how to estab­lish a consumer-centric system. This research explores three shifts in the industry that play­ers need to respond to:


·         Market dynamics turn to the con­sumer

·         On the demand side, what people want is changing

·         New entrants view health care through a different lens 

Rising consumerism Winning the hearts and minds of health care consumers
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