
Explore the Future of Government in 2020

The heart of Gov2020 consists of two simple components—drivers and trends, each one written from the perspective of the year 2020.

Drivers are the factors that change the context in which government operates and serves citizens. Factors that are demographic, economic, societal, technological: cyber physical systems & digital & exponential.

Trends are the overall shifts that are likely—or at least possible—in 2020 across different government domains such as mega shifts, defense, education, energy and environment, health care, human services, law and justice, transportation.

Gov2020 is not just another website; it’s a living environment where the trends and drivers are updated on a regular basis based on your input and changing circumstances in the world.

Gov2020 is not the final word on the future of government—it’s designed to start a discussion. We invite you to offer feedback on the trends and drivers, provide examples and best practices of where this is happening already, or even contribute a blog post.

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