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It’s not where you’re from, it’s where you’re going

A viewpoint from our CEO David Sproul

CEO David Sproul blogs about the changes to Deloitte’s recruitment programme to make sure that everyone has the chance to thrive, develop and succeed - regardless of background.

Senior Partner and Chief Executive David Sproul writes about the role business can play in breaking down the barriers of social mobility. People born into low-income families, regardless of their talent or their hard work, do not have the same access to opportunities as those born into more privileged circumstances. That’s why Deloitte has changed its recruitment programme to make sure that everyone has the chance to thrive, develop and succeed - regardless of background.

One of the biggest steps Deloitte is taking is a move to so-called contextualised recruitment. This means we allow our recruiters to make more informed choices about candidates by considering the context in which their academic achievements have been gained. So, for example, three Bs at A Level in a school where the average student achieves three Ds, would be identified as an exceptional performance. Most importantly, contextualisation allows us to look for a candidate’s potential, rather than focus purely on past performance.

All too often in the UK, career paths are determined by a person’s social or economic background rather than talent and potential. Where you’re from should not determine where you are going. And at Deloitte, we have a responsibility to help our school-leavers, students and graduates to become the best they can be – regardless of their start in life

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