About us

Sustainability at Deloitte University


Since its inception, Deloitte University, The Leadership Center, has been committed to making an #impactthatmatters. Our 700,000+ square foot campus is the embodiment of our commitment and support for the environment.

Quick facts

  • During construction, 20 percent of materials used was regionally extracted, promoting local business and diminishing the amount of fuel used for shipping and decreasing emissions.
  • Greenscaping with native plants and highly efficient landscape irrigation system leads to a 50 percent reduction in water usage.
  • The open space around the facility provides a habitat for local vegetation and wildlife, diminishes heat that emanates from concrete, and helps purify storm water run-off.
  • High-efficieny faucets are expected to reduce annual water consumption by 53,000 gallons.
  • High albedo roofing is highly reflective absorbing less solar energy, reducing surface temperature, and decreasing heat transfer into the building.

View our Green Map to learn more

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