

Need cloud talent? Here's how to find it—and keep it

Part of the On Cloud Podcast series

The job market its slowing for some sectors, but many companies are still hurting for tech talent. Companies can address it, but it will take education, culture change, and a new relationship between HR and business.

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There's still a huge talent gap. Here's how to fill it.

Despite a cooling job market in some sectors, many companies are still experiencing a shortage of cloud talent. In this podcast, David Linthicum talks with Deloitte’s Josh Haims about how companies can fill that gap. Josh’s take is that education must catch up with technology, companies should build a culture that attracts employees and builds tech fluency throughout the organization, and HR and the business need to build a closer relationship with a shared set of goals and outcomes.


The better that HR leaders understand the nuances of tech talent, the more effective you'll be, and I think the ability to create a very high-performing engineering culture...will materialize.

Josh Haims is a Human Capital partner at Deloitte, solving his clients' most complex and pressing workforce issues. He leads the Cloud-Enabled Workforce Market Offering to support clients’ transitions to new ways of working.


Safer, sooner, happier: Shift your culture for an increase in cloud value and success

Cloud implementations often stall, not because of technology, but because of culture. To realize more value from cloud, build a culture underpinned by communication and psychological safety.

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Doing cloud correctly requires a cloud-enabled workforce

The future of work is changing, and cloud adoption is accelerating that change. Smart companies will reconfigure their workforce so they can take advantage of the inevitable shift in workforce culture.

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Cloud, in context

Cloud is more than technology. It’s about making cloud work for your business. Our hosts, David Linthicum and Mike Kavis, deliver their unique perspectives around the technology, business, and culture of cloud to help you achieve your cloud goals. Topics range from an enterprise-level, strategic look at cloud to practical information on the people, processes, and technology that can make cloud work better for your organization.

David is a top cloud influencer and author of 13 books plus thousands of articles on cloud. Mike is the author of two books, including the recently published Accelerating Cloud Adoption, and won the 2010 AWS Global Startup Challenge. They know cloud. Listen to the Deloitte On Cloud podcast to get the information you need to achieve your possible with cloud.

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