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Collected bright spot practices

Innovative activities for monitoring, evaluation, and learning in the social sector

Collected practices distill the wisdom from bright spots and research that you can integrate into your organization as you innovate. Spreading these bright spot practices could help the field gain traction on a better future for monitoring, evaluation, and learning.


Re-imagining measurement toolkit

The Re-imagining measurement toolkit includes a range of innovation materials for getting to a better future for monitoring, evaluation, and learning.

This section provides information about bright spot practices for each of the three characteristics of a better future that you can implement at your organization.

Re-imagining measurement strategic learning toolkit

[brief description of this piece's place in the toolkit and the toolkit overall]

Collected bright spot practices

Collected bright spot practices are meant to provide initial high-level guidance for practices to explore in greater detail and implement. Information about bright spot organizations (in the bright spot section) can give you ideas for how specific organization implemented these practices.

Below you can find distilled bright spot practices for each of the three characteristics of a better future. For a complete set of bright spot practices, please download the Bright Spots PDF. A set of bright spot practices for a specific characteristic can be found at the end of the related section below.

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Collected Bright Spot practices

Examples of collected bright spot practices for more effectively putting decision making at the center

  • Begin with data needed by front-line for decision making and build reporting requirements from there
  • Leverage data as by-product of user actions and transactions when possible
  • Embed experimentation, hypothesis-testing, and course correction to continuously improve
  • Focus on what works and what doesn’t for improvement rather than identifying success and failure
  • Focus on closing feedback loops with behavior change as a result of new learnings
  • Create incentives for data use, learning, and adaptation throughout the organization
  • Incentivize good data collection throughout the data supply chain by making sure it’s relevant to data collectors and informed by user needs

Explore the complete list of collected bright spot practices for more effectively putting decision making at the center.


In a better future:
  1. Information for on-the-ground decision making is prioritized
  2. Learning is embedded and continuous
  3. There is greater investment in monitoring, evaluation, and learning capacity
  4. The data and methods needed to inform decisions are available

Examples of collected bright spot practices for better empowering constituents and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion

  • Assess demographics and identify relevant existing inequities
  • Consider equity implications of intervention and monitoring, evaluation, and learning efforts, including intended and unintended consequences
  • Collect disaggregated data on the effects of an intervention broken out by different groups of constituents. Look for gaps between groups
  • Use an asset-based framing in data collection and analysis, including social and cultural resources that might otherwise be overlooked (e.g. informal child care or cultural sources of strength)
  • Engage and co-create with constituents throughout the feedback process, from design through action, in ways that make them feel valued and consulted
  • Incorporate constituent feedback into decision making to make course corrections
  • Build community capacity to collect, analyze, and use their own data
  • Act in ways that promote equity, fairness, and the best interest of constituents when collecting and using personal information

Explore the complete list of collected bright spot practices for better empowering constituents and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

In a better future:
  • Equity is consistently considered in and supported by monitoring, evaluation, and learning efforts
  • Constituent feedback is an essential practice
  • Constituents are empowered to make their own choices
  • Data rights are secured

Examples of collected bright spot practices for more productively learning at scale

  • Create an open knowledge policy for sharing materials that have been funded or produced by your organizations
  • Adopt on open licensing policy that enables others to reproduce, distribute, and adapt materials to promote learning and enable additional research and knowledge development
  • Use open standards for your website knowledge materials to enable them to be more easily tracked and found
  • Determine key learning questions for stakeholders in the field to drive knowledge development
  • Create learning communities to promote ongoing collective learning
  • Promote open data principles, standards, and practices in the issue areas in which you work
  • Where relevant, support the development of data collaboratives in your issue areas that share data across organizations and sectors

Explore the complete list of collected bright spot practices for more productively learning at scale.

In a better future:
  1. Data, learning, and knowledge are shared openly and widely
  2. Knowledge gaps and learning agendas are collaboratively undertaken
  3. Data is integrated at scale needed to assess social impact
  4. Evaluation synthesis, replication, and meta-evaluation are supported

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