tax alert


Tax & Legal Alerts

January 2014

The Tax & Legal specialists in Deloitte have the knowledge and the experience to help you address any challenge that you may face.

In this issue

  1. List of the supplies of goods and services classified as related to the research phase of hydrocarbon operations that qualify for the VAT exemption
  2. The royalty tax declaration form in the mining and oil industry.
  3. The tax declaration form for packaging sold by manufacturers 
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List of the supplies of goods and services classified as related to the research phase of hydrocarbon operations that qualify for the VAT exemption

As of January 2014, the VAT exemptions for contractors and subcontractors operating in the hydrocarbon sector apply only in the research phase. The Instruction of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Energy and Industry no. 673/2, dated 28/01/2014 (Udhëzim i Perbashkët i Ministrisë së Financave dhe Ministrisë së Energjisë dhe Industrisë nr. 673/2, datë 28/01/2014) presents the new list of the supplies of goods and services for which the VAT exemption applies. The mentioned Instruction describes also the procedure to follow in order to qualify for the VAT exemption. The National Agency of Natural Resources (“NANR”) remains the responsible entity for certifying the supply of goods / services and the contractors and subcontractors qualifying for VAT exemption.

The royalty tax declaration form in the mining and oil industry

In accordance with the Albanian Fiscal Package presented on December 2013, entities subject to royalty tax have now to submit monthly royalty tax declarations within the 15th of following month. The corresponding declaration form has been published with the Instruction of the Ministry of Finance no. 2, dated 17/01/2014 (Udhëzim i MF nr. 2, datë 17/01/2014) and can be found in the the Official Gazette no. 3/2014

The tax declaration form for packaging sold by manufacturers

In accordance with the changes regarding the tax applicable on disposable glass and plastic packaging sold by manufacturers, as provided by the Fiscal Package presented on December 2013, a new declaration form has been published with the Instruction of the Ministry of Finance no. 2, dated 17/01/2014 (Udhëzim i MF nr. 2, datë 17/01/2014). The form can be found on page no. 55 of the Official Gazette no. 3/2014.

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