
Investing in Austria

Hidden Champions

The Austrian economy vastly profits from its small and medium-sized enterprises, as most of them are even world leaders in their niche markets. Those hidden champions are gaining rising attention from Chinese corporations. Furthermore, Austria’s strategic location in the heart of Europe facilitates the entry into the promising Eastern and Western European market. Several investment opportunities also arise from the ambitious “One-Belt-One-Road” project, which will bring both nations economically closer.

奥地利的经济主要受益于中小企业,其为大部分利基市场的领导者。近年来,这群奥地利的hidden champions受到中国企业额外关注。而奥地利本身位于欧洲的核心位置,如此一来,使得企业进入东欧以及西欧市场更加便利,进而提高了奥地利的竞争力。同时,中国‘一代一路‘创造更多的投资机会,进一步拉近两国之间的贸易关系。

Our Services

  • Consultation in the entire market entry process
    > Establishing company or Merger & Acquisitions
    > Research for investment opportunities
    > Evaluation of investment opportunities
    > Support in applying visas and residence permits
    > Support after market entry: Tax Compliance
    (Accounting, Annual Auditing, Payroll, Tax Services,
    Expatriates, and Assistance in specific tax issues)
  • Consultation concerning tax-optimised company structure
  • Consultation regarding tax incentives and government aid


  • 进入市场完整的全过程
    > 公司成立和并购
    > 寻找合适的投资项目
    > 评估投资项目
    > 办理签证以及居留方面的协助
    > 市场准入后的税务合规服务
  • 企业结构及税务优化
  • 税务研发激励服务


We have already prepared a bilingual guidebook for how to invest in Austria. In case you have further questions, our Chinese Services Group is very happy to support you in this matter.



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