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Cecilia Hill's AFR Government Services Panel Insights

Key insights from the AFR Government Services Summit

Cecilia Hill, Deloitte Digital Partner, joined the 'Digital leadership and capability in government' panel at the AFR Government Services Summit on Tuesday, 26 July 2022 alongside The Hon Victor Dominello MP, Minister for Digital, Minister for Customer Service NSW; Michael McNamara, CEO, Digital Victoria; and Chris Fechner, CEO, Digital Transformation Agency.

Discover Cecilia's insights on digital leadership below. 

1. Human first

Now more than ever, leadership needs to be human. We need, as leaders, to be true people. We need to be ourselves.

If we don't know who we are, and if we can't be ourselves in our leadership roles, we can't collaborate. We can't engage with communities. We can't engage with our customers and our users. That is number one. We have to be more human than ever. We have to connect on the human level.
2. The customer experience

It is really about getting into the DNA of the organization. Having executives and leaders on the ground, in the call centers, in the service centers, hearing, listening, feeling, what's going on and really understanding what it's like to be in those interactions every day, so that we can help the customers and the end users but also so that we can also help our staff, because they are at the frontline, all the time, to try to solve these problems.
3. Moving forward

Pilot, betas, prototypes, whatever we want to call them these days is absolutely the way to go.

How do you measure success? When do you know you have learned something that you can build upon or move on from? I think that is really key to what we need to do. Also, what is the outcome we're after? And how do we how do we measure that outcome? Because otherwise, we're just standing still.

In the public sector, maybe we need to change the narrative around failure. Maybe it's not the word failure we need to use. Maybe it’s a word around learnings and building upon our experience rather than the word failure. And I think that narrative is a piece that could be interesting to explore.

If you would like to learn more, visit our AFR Government Services Summit 2022 page.