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Meet Alan Tam, Data & AI Consultant

Meet Alan, a Sydney-based consultant in our Data & AI team, which is part of the Strategy and AI practice in our Consulting Business Unit. He is passionate about unlocking the true potential of data for clients from an analytics and engineering perspective.

I like to begin my day by getting the hardest thing out of the way first – waking up and exercising!

If I can smash out a workout in the morning, I can tackle anything that comes at me for the rest of the day. If it’s a good weather day, I like soaking in some sun before I come back to my desk to start the workday. 

It’s then straight into the thick of it. No two workdays are the same, however recently I have found myself going between analysing shell scripts and attending client workshops.

After work, depending on the day you could find me either playing oztag/badminton or catching up on my part-time uni classes. 

It is definitely the people that resonate most deeply for me at Deloitte. Having begun my journey as a vacationer, it was an easy decision coming back after experiencing how much fun and supportive the team was. Things got even better when I started my graduate program – I could not have asked for a better cohort and team to start my working career with. Everyone is always open to supporting and helping you. 

Need some SME help on a tricky python/sql/vba question you’ve been stuck on – No problem, just reach out to anyone!

Need someone to play ping pong and meme about – Definitely not a problem, we have the best players on our team!

I love learning and am a firm believer that learning is a lifelong process. I must have hit the jackpot with my job here, because at Deloitte I am constantly learning. Every day, every project, every conversation is a fresh and genuine opportunity to build on your knowledge. The best part is that you can easily pick up skills that you would have never seen yourself being proficient at.

From a more formal learning perspective, I love how Deloitte supports and encourages staff to undertake vendor certifications and further tertiary studies.

The best part to be excited about joining the team is the opportunities that await. At least for me when I began, it was like sitting at a sushi train looking at the different opportunities and projects rotating around you. Everything just looks so delicious!

The Deloitte world is literally your oyster with so many opportunities to pick and choose from. Like how I mentioned, you will not be alone at this sushi train, you will have a coach and support network that will be with you every step of the way to ensure your success.

  • Coffee order? - Matcha Latte or Almond Chai
  • Song recommendation? - Alpha brainwaves and lofi are my go-to for productivity
  • Best Dad/Mum joke? - What kind of computer sings the best? A Dell