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Top Tips from Deloitte Grads

Hear from four of our superstar Graduates on their experience so far

We chatted to some of our current Deloitte grads on their experience with Deloitte so far, and some words of wisdom for our upcoming new graduates. 

What has your experience been like at Deloitte so far?

Archer: The best part the amazing people I work with. I majored in economics, but in Deloitte Access Economics, my peers studied teaching, civil engineering, chemistry, and many more.  These are people whose eyes would light up when you talk about their areas of interest. People come with perspectives, well-informed opinions, and most importantly, a willingness to share and listen. You never know what you could learn from a random chat and what ideas could spark.

Sophie: I love the endless career opportunities and amazing people I’m fortunate enough to work with at Deloitte. I think the main thing that I enjoy the most about working in my team (Governance, Regulation and Conduct) is seeing how our work has a positive social impact on everyday Aussies. It's really motivating and meaningful projects like this that make me genuinely look forward to getting out of bed each morning to go to work.

Richard: I love the type of projects and engagements we get exposure to. The culture - It feels like we are valued, even at an early stage of our careers. I’ve realised that having a workplace and project team you have a great time working in will make having a job so much more enjoyable as you go through life. My degree - Master of Data Science - has really helped me hit the ground running.

Peri: My experience at Deloitte has been really positive. I enjoy our team’s flexibility with the option to work from home or the office and knowing that I am supported either way is my favourite part of the company.

If you could give a future grad one piece of advice, what would it be? 

Archer: Don't think you are "too junior" to make a contribution. Deloitte always have a place for reliable, responsible, and intelligent young professionals. Impact can start from day 1.

Sophie: Be a yes person! Say yes to the challenging pieces of work that you may not feel totally confident with and give it a go, say yes to networking events and webinars to expand your knowledge on the topics you're interested in, and say yes to those Friday night drinks with your colleagues and graduate cohort. It's awesome to connect with your peers in person and build long-lasting friendships with those around you, not only with people in your team but also with people not in other service lines and business units.

Richard: Never feel like you're out of place. Deloitte is welcoming to people of all backgrounds. The people around you have been in your position before and are more than happy to help out. Deloitte is great at nurturing you so feel free to ask any questions and grab coffees with anyone!

Peri: Be authentically you. You can do this by saying yes to the work you're interested in, letting people know your passions and being bold.

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