The economic impact of stroke in Australia
Estimating the magnitude and impacts of stroke in Australia
Deloitte Access Economics has released two reports for Stroke Foundation, Economic impact of stroke in Australia and No postcode untouched.
One stroke occurs every 19 minutes in Australia and there are over 440,000 Australians living with stroke in 2020. Prompt access to care is vital for stroke survival. Recognise the four signs of stroke – facial drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulties and time.
Key takeaways:
- 27,428 Australians will experience a stroke for the first time in 2020.
- One stroke occurs in Australia every 19 minutes.445,087 survivors of stroke living in our community in 2020.
- The economic cost of stroke exceeded $6.2 billion, with a further $26.0 billion in lost wellbeing - due to short and long-term disability, and premature death.
- 8,703 Australians will die as a result of stroke this year.
- 24 percent of strokes striking people aged 18-54; in 2012 this number was 14 percent.
- Regional and rural Australians are 17% more likely to experience a stroke than their metropolitan counterparts.
- In 2050, without action, 50,600 Australians will experience a stroke for the first time and there will be 819,900 survivors of stroke in the community.
In 2012, Deloitte Access Economics was commissioned by the National Stroke Foundation to investigate the economic impact of stroke in Australia, and the scope for cost effective prevention and health interventions. At the time, there were over 420,000 people living with the effects of stroke and the total financial costs of stroke in Australia were estimated to be $5 billion