Deloitte Global Economist Network
Bringing sophisticated analysis to complex industry-based questions
The Deloitte Global Economist Network is a diverse group of economists that produce relevant, interesting and thought-provoking content for external and internal audiences.
The Deloitte Global Economist Network is a diverse group of economists that produce relevant, interesting and thought-provoking content for external and internal audiences. The Network’s industry and economics expertise allows us to bring sophisticated analysis to complex industry-based questions.
Publications range from in-depth reports and thought leadership examining critical issues to executive briefs aimed at keeping Deloitte’s top management and partners abreast of topical issues.
The economics team in Australia is known as Deloitte Access Economics. Deloitte Access Economics focuses on client engagement, executive support, and thought leadership and is one of the most referenced sources of economic authority for media, government and business in Australia. Thought leadership includes flagship titles such as Building the Lucky Country and Shaping Future Cities, as well as the Weekly Economic Briefing and a number of subscription publications.
The economics team in China focuses on client engagement, executive support, and thought leadership. The team provides intellectual support to global conferences such as the World Economic Forum and produces a number of thought leadership pieces such as Deloitte Research Monthly Report and Deloitte Perspective.
The macroeconomics team in Japan provides various advisory services with their clients. The services include monthly provision of global macroeconomic analysis from risk management point of view and a one hour Q&A discussion every month with clients, which now covers almost all Japanese major banks, some large trading companies and global manufacturing industries. There is quarterly provision of various macroeconomic variables under four-five stress scenarios as well as baseline scenario for the coming three years and bespoke macroeconomic stress scenarios which hit risk weak-spots of clients. The team also publishes a monthly e-newsletter, which summaries their insights of global macroeconomic, financial regulatory and geopolitical developments and quarterly white papers focusing on global macroeconomic outlook.
The economics team in India focuses on client engagement, executive support, and thought leadership. The majority of their reports are commissioned for clients however they also produce an annual publication, The State of the Economy.
United States
The economics team in the US focuses on client engagement, executive support, and thought leadership. They produce a number of thought leadership pieces that are available through Deloitte University Press including Global Economic Outlook, Asia Pacific Economic Outlook, US Forecast, Behavioral Economics and Management, Issues by Numbers and Behind the Numbers.
The economics team in Argentina focuses on client engagement, executive support and thought leadership. Thought leadership includes the Latin America Economic Outlook and reports on manufacturing and consumer business.
United Kingdom
The economics team in the UK focuses on client engagement, executive support and thought leadership. Thought leadership includes Deloitte Monday Briefing, UK CFO Survey, and The UK and EU Referendum.
The economics team in Germany focuses on executive support, research and thought leadership. They develop thought leadership for Germany and the Eurozone such as Behavioral Economics and Global Economic Outlook.
The economics team in France focuses on client engagement, executive support, and thought leadership. The team maintains strong ties with university research and publishes regularly in academic and professional journals.
The economics team in Poland combines competence in the environmental, social and economic research and analysis with experience in working for public administration entities. This mixture of knowledge, skills, insight and overall understanding of the intricacies of the private and public sectors enables us to carry out advisory projects related to defining and measuring impact , as well as to prepare independent reports on how regulatory regimes affect businesses, industry associations and public administration.
The economics team in Switzerland focuses on client engagement, the economics team in Switzerland focuses on client engagement, research and thought leadership. Thought leadership focuses on financial services, manufacturing and consumer business and on cross-industry topics as innovation and automation. Flagship products and recent publications include European CFO Survey, Swiss CFO Survey, Automation Studies, Digital Transformation and The Workforce and Workplace of the Future.
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