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Employee Share Scheme reporting

Is ESS reporting becoming a burden for you?

Deloitte’s share scheme tax reporter is your one-stop shop ESS reporting solution

Employee Share Scheme reporting can be a difficult and challenging process, especially when you deal with lots of data sets which are complex and beyond your expertise. Whether you are a start-up, private or publicly listed company, the ATO does not discriminate employer reporting obligations for ESS.

With Deloitte’s share scheme tax reporter tool, we take the guess work out of your hands and provide optimal delivery, accuracy and lodgement of your ESS reports to the ATO by the reporting deadline each year.

For employee share scheme reporting enquire now

Saving time 

Ability to fully integrate your data direct to and from the share registry, provider or your internal records and automatically calculate and produce all ESS statements and reports for your business. Spend less time manually inputting data from your transaction reports and allow us to automate the process for you. 

Trusted service

With over 25,000 ESS statements produced to date, for both domestic and international employees, over 500 share plans managed, $1.4B worth of reportable taxable values produced, across hundreds of different companies, you will have the trusted service that you deserve ensuring quality and accuracy from our deliverables.


Depend on us to manage all interactions with the Tax Office on your behalf. We will handle all communications including extension requests, amendments, revisions of your ESS reporting obligations and remission requests.

Cost savings 

With an automated end-to-end service, we handle the complexity and volume of the data set with ease, therefore reducing your overall business costs and rework.

Employee experience

Your employees will benefit significantly by receiving a detailed explanation and a full summary of breakdown on the taxable value of their awards. In addition, the reportable values are configurable to your needs including exchange rates, pricing and income tax treatment, thereby reducing questions from employees post delivery of statements.

One Tool – Two Taxes* 

Automatically calculates the taxable ESS wages for state payroll tax purposes using the same data set.

Covering letter 

Every ESS statement produced is accompanied by a covering letter explaining the tax treatment of the awards.

ESS statement breakdown 

Each employee receives an accompanying breakdown of their award grants, how they are taxed, and how much is apportioned between Australian or foreign sourced (where applicable for mobile employees).

Distribution of statements 

Encrypted electronic distribution of ESS statements to each individual’s email address.

Summary of transactions report 

A full page breakdown table report summarising all your employees’ ESS transactions.

Start-up Concessions 

Our tool is also capable of preparing the ESS reports and statements under the concession rules for start-up companies**

Plan review* 

Unsure about the correct tax treatment of your ESS Plan? Engage Deloitte for a professional sign off on the tax position of your awards. Let us review your share plan in detail and confirm whether your company share plan would be regarded as qualifying for deferral or taxed at grant. Knowing whether your share plan is compliant is critical in understanding your employer reporting requirements. 

Tax controversy* 

Missed your ESS reporting obligations in prior years? Identified mistakes due to incorrect tax treatment of your awards and not sure how to deal with the tax office? We can easily handle the corrections and expectations for you through assistance with amendments, voluntary disclosures on both company and individual level, therefore reducing the likelihood of penalties and interest.

Share Scheme health check  

Not sure whether your business has been compliant? We can conduct a full health check review (in person, if required) to record the offers that have been made and to confirm whether your employer obligations have been met with respect to your share plan. This includes ESS reporting, Payroll tax, IAS Accounting standards and ASIC requirements.

*Subject to additional scope and fees

** Subject to meeting the ATO’s start-up concession rules