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Data. Whose responsibility is it anyway?

Deloitte Australia Privacy Index 2023

This year, as we dive into the world of privacy and data and once again evaluate the privacy practices of leading Australian consumer organisations, we focus on responsibility around consumer data.


Privacy practices are under scrutiny, regulations and laws are being reviewed and, on top of this, data breaches are increasing in frequency and sophistication. Organisations, businesses and government are now having to review and revise their practices and must immediately transform to meet and exceed consumer expectations and keep pace with regulatory reform. But with so many moving parts, and so much at stake, how do they adapt to the changing landscape and align their strategies to meet consumer expectations?

In this year’s Privacy Index we examine and explore:

  • Australia’s leading organisations’ privacy practices and commitment to privacy
  • How Australians feel about the privacy landscape
  • What actions Australians are taking in the pursuit of privacy
  • What the public wants and from whom
  • How organisations can meet and exceed consumer expectations.

The 2023 Privacy Index focuses on creating positive change for all Australians. We must all play a part in creating a safer, more responsible data landscape and this report will guide and support that change.

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Explore the findings

Each year the Privacy Index focuses on a different privacy element and, as such, should not be treated as a like for like comparison. The comparison of industries is based on the analysis of how they perform in relation to this year’s topic. The rankings provide a holistic view of each industry’s privacy posture across each of the focus areas from previous Index editions.

Previous editions