Deloitte again named a leader in analyst firm’s Magic Quadrant for CRM services providers, worldwide 2013
Press release
Excelling in customer retention and satisfaction
New York, 1 October 2013 — Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) is pleased to announce that leading analyst firm Gartner has named Deloitte as a leading provider of CRM services worldwide in their latest report, Magic Quadrant for CRM Service Providers, Worldwide 2013. Deloitte has been named a worldwide leader in CRM Services for the past three consecutive years. According to Gartner, leaders in this category continue to be in high demand and are widening their services beyond CRM software to include consulting, analytics, digital enterprise, and social CRM.
“Deloitte is delighted with Gartner’s continued recognition of our leadership position in the Customer and CRM market. In particular, we are encouraged by the widening gap between Deloitte and the nearest competitors. We believe this validates our strategy of driving towards demonstrable business results”. Andy Main, Deloitte Global Customer Solutions Leader. Main further comments, “We care deeply about accelerating delivery and providing high value for our clients. To continue doing so we will drive wider and deeper end to end capabilities, supported by innovations in customer solutions”.
Gartner evaluates service providers on their ability to execute and their completeness of vision. When the two sets of criteria are evaluated together, the resulting analysis provides a view of how well the provider performs a spectrum of services compared with its peers and how well it is positioned for the future
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Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Tel: + 1 (516) 918-7170
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