Deloitte stood for young innovators
On 19 November Bauman Moscow State Technical University hosted a conference on “Learning entrepreneurship: integration of higher professional education institutions into innovative economy” organized by the Center for Entrepreneurship.
On 19 November Bauman Moscow State Technical University hosted a conference on “Learning entrepreneurship: integration of higher professional education institutions into innovative economy” organized by the Center for Entrepreneurship. Deloitte CIS acted as a moderator of one of the plenary discussions which brought together such speakers as Grigory Bakunov (Director of Yandex Technologies Distribution), Vitaly Vinogradov (CEO of Ticketland.ru) and Vyacheslav Nesterov (General Director of EMC St. Petersburg Centre of Excellence). Deloitte also announced the results of its “Innovation” award which is aimed to encourage success of the companies that implement innovations driving their business momentum.
A lot of companies took part in the competition. Each participant had to comply with the following requirements:
- create or apply innovations in its business (possible areas are technology, business processes, marketing, etc.);
- operate in the Russian Federation;
- have an average of not more than 1 thousand employees in 2013;
- have revenue of not less than RUB 15 million in 2013.
Out of 10 contestants who showed the best results Deloitte, together with the Center for Entrepreneurship, chose the winner of the “Innovation” competition. Personalnoye Reshenie from St. Petersburg became the winner and received a certificate for free hours of professional consulting services from Deloitte.
“Such events promote development and increase motivation; this means social recognition of your success. For an entrepreneur this means energy, attention and, consequently, new valuable contacts. We have won because we think hard when doing our projects, and everybody sees it,” said Denis Reshanov, the head of Personalnoye Reshenie.
“I am sure that the “Innovation” award will become a good tradition for us. Russia is passing through significant transformations in the field of innovations; there are many young talented entrepreneurs. All-round support is vitally important at early stages of their business,” said Vladimir Kozyrev, Deloitte's partner and moderator of the plenary discussion.
20 November 2014, Moscow
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