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Committed to building strong leaders at every level
Leadership and learning
At Deloitte Canada, it's not uncommon to see mentor and protégé relationships develop between experienced leaders and young professionals. What's surprising is who is teaching whom. The member firm's Digital Mentoring program pairs passionate social media experts with top leaders who are seeking to become adept users of LinkedIn, Twitter, and Yammer.
The program is just one example of how the millennial generation is turning leadership on its head, and how Deloitte is enabling this new paradigm. At Deloitte, we are helping both young and experienced professionals prepare for leadership responsibilities through formal training and informal opportunities that allow them inspire their peers, make an impact, and build critical skills
Deloitte University
Deloitte's commitment to growing leadership skills and providing member firm clients with the impactful solutions they need is exemplified by the Deloitte University campus in Westlake, Texas. FY2013 marked a number of important milestones for Deloitte University, starting with the celebration of its second anniversary and the hosting of a number of spotlight events.
Exploring inclusion in the 21st century workplace was the theme of the March 2013 two-day launch event of the Deloitte University Leadership Center for Inclusion. Deloitte also introduced the Inclusive Leadership Program in FY2013. Focused on developing the multicultural competencies, mindset, and behaviors to lead inclusively and leverage diversity to improve business decisions, the program is now part of the Global Lead Client Service Partner Program.
Newly admitted partners from across the member firms begin their journeys as senior leaders at the Global New Partner Seminar. Held annually, this opportunity to hone skills and build networks was hosted by Deloitte University in 2012.
Beyond the events, perhaps most impressive is the number of professionals—more than 50,000 from 70 countries— who passed through the doors of Deloitte University during the past year. It's also noteworthy that 92 percent of courses were facilitated by our leaders.
Outside of the classrooms, Deloitte University offers our people opportunities to connect in person, share ideas and insights, and develop or enhance their approaches to serving member firm clients and doing business. During the past year, more than 500 networking events were held, including fireside chats, team building exercises, and leader receptions.
Looking to the future, Deloitte is further expanding its investment in the success of its people and member firm clients—making the global Deloitte University learning curriculum available in all regions and opening Deloitte University EMEA.
More than 50,000 professionals from 70 countries passed through the doors of Deloitte University during FY2013.
Broad learning opportunities
Large numbers of Deloitte people are also embracing informal leadership opportunities around the globe. Through projects and events—including community outreach, Junior Achievement, Women's Initiative Networks (WIN), Business Resource/Affinity Groups, and IMPACT Day—Deloitte professionals have ample opportunities to lead and develop their skills and networks.
Selected individuals also experience leadership firsthand through formal development initiatives. For example, DTTL's Leadership Shadow Program, piloted in December 2012, allows high-potential DTTL professionals to experience life as a DTTL leader by participating in a leader's daily activities.
"Great decision makers and direction setters are needed at every level of our organization," explains Alice Kwan, Principal, Deloitte Consulting U.S. "Purposeful, selective investments in high-potential leaders are a smart way to take steps to maintain a steady pipeline of top talent. But, leadership development can't just be about the top leaders.
"At Deloitte, there are people throughout our organization who are depended upon every day for their strategic thinking, innovative capabilities, and global perspectives," Kwan continues. "We must constantly develop their technical, industry, global, and professional skills and create an environment where leaders at all levels can thrive and grow."
We create an environment where leaders at all levels can thrive and grow.