The Millennial Survey 2014


Minniliyin Sorğu 2014

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Deloitte’s third annual Millennial Survey explored what Generation Y wants from Business, Government, and the future workplace. The results revealed that Generation Y wants to work for organizations that foster innovative thinking, develop their skills, and make a positive contribution to society. Join the conversation at #DeloitteDavosLive and #MillennialSurvey.

Deloitte’s third annual Millennial Survey surveyed nearly 7,800 Millennials from 28 countries across Western Europe, North America, Latin America, BRICS and Asia-Pacific about business, government and innovation. The questionnaire focused on the role business plays in society; its objectives, impact and outcomes; the responsibility of business and government and how well each is addressing the challenges faced by society; the potential impact of new technologies and innovation; and how businesses help people to bring out new ideas and develop their leadership skills.




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