Shareholder agreements
Corporate and mergers and acquisitions solutions
For company business to operate efficiently and as intended while avoiding gridlock within the corporate structure, shareholder relations need to be carefully and proactively managed. Shareholder agreements regulating the primary rights, obligations and interactions between shareholders are essential instruments for preventing and managing potential conflicts that may arise.
Deloitte Legal assists companies with negotiation and execution of shareholder agreements relating to:
- The regulation and structure of governing and managing bodies
- Resolutions subject to qualified majority
- Control restrictions on the transfer of shares
- Dividend policies
Deloitte Legal has experience with and understands the nature of shareholder relationships in different types of entities. Additionally, we bring industry knowledge that enables us to help companies understand and address sector specific issues. These qualities enable us to adapt our approach to suit the needs of individual organizations.
"Deloitte Legal" means the legal practices of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited member firm affiliates that provide legal services. For legal and regulatory reasons, not all member firms provide legal services.