Awards mount up for Deloitte’s cyber video
Accolades continue to accumulate for Deloitte's video, “Cyber Security. Evolved.” After taking two prizes last month at the annual IVCA Awards in London, the video won another pair of medals at the New York Festivals TV and film awards on 8 April.
Accolades continue to accumulate for Deloitte's video, “Cyber Security. Evolved.” After taking two prizes last month at the annual IVCA Awards in London, the video won another pair of medals at the New York Festivals TV and film awards on 8 April.
“With so many high-profile cybersecurity breaches in the news, it’s no surprise that this video has resonated with the business community,” said Kelly Bissell, Global Cyber Security leader for Deloitte. “But the message is not all doom-and-gloom. The video clearly depicts how companies can prepare themselves for a cyber attack.”
The first honors were announced at the annual IVCA Awards, hosted at London’s Grosvenor House Hotel on 28 March by the International Visual Communications Association. The Deloitte video took home silver medals in two categories—Outstanding Dramatic Film and Sales of Products and Services.
Subsequently, on 8 April, the cyber video captured another pair of awards at The New York Festivals. Gold medals were won in the categories of Direction and Sales. Entries for the festival are submitted from over 50 countries around the world, making the standard of work high and the judging competitive.
These wins come on the heels of many accolades earned by Deloitte’s first cyber film—“Companies Like Yours”—which won IVCA Awards in four categories, including two gold medals. The first film also garnered three awards at the 2012 New York Festivals International TV & Film Awards, including two golds and a bronze.
“The message by now should be clear,” said Ted DeZabala, Global Cyber Risk Services Leader at Deloitte. “Companies must prepare for the inevitability of an attack, not only in terms of vigilance, but also resiliency. Preparedness is key, but the ability to bounce back from an assault is equally important.”
NEW YORK, 14 April 2014
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