Deloitte Academy
Trainings and workshops
Corporate trainings
The Deloitte Academy specializes in corporate business trainings designed for specific customer needs.
The Academy’s corporate trainings are tailored to fit the firm’s specific needs in terms of industry topics, key business processes and terminology.
The courses are designed for professionals interested in acquiring hands-on learning experience through facilitated discussions, business games and simulations.
Subject-matter experts who bring practical insights from real-world management and implementation of major projects deliver the Academy trainings.
Our principles
Long-term cooperation
The Deloitte Academy offers comprehensive solutions aimed at improving employees’ competencies across various business lines. The courses are organized based on the attendees’ level of knowledge, skills and competencies and allow for the continuous development of business skills while taking into account professional growth and job enlargement.
Each training session delivered by the Deloitte Academy contains elements from allied knowledge areas and compounds industry specifics and best practices. The Academy offers post-training support aimed at assessing the results and incorporating changes in one’s current responsibilities.