Trends and practical aspects of development of the Russian pharmaceutical market
This research includes a summarised opinion of pharmaceutical company representatives on the development trends of the market in Russia, its regulation and existing problems arising in the conduct of business.
For the most part, the research was conducted among representatives of foreign companies involved in the production of patented medicines both in Russia and abroad.
The research shows that the Russian market continues to rely on foreign manufacturers. Attempts to influence the situation at government level (the RF Government initiative to restrict access to state tenders for imported medicines,etc.), according to the market players, are thus far difficult to implement and require at least another several years. This is explained by the necessity to localise full cycle manufacturing in Russia, current imperfect legislation and pricing regulations, corruption and many other issues which must also be resolved.
At the same time, our research has shown that despite all the difficulties, the Russian pharmaceutical market has great prospects for development. Almost half of our respondents plan to introduce new medicines to the Russian market, and a third of the participants in the research intend to expand their existing manufacturing capacities or launch new products.
Our investigation offers you the opinions of pharmaceutical sector experts on these and many other issues. We will be delighted to answer your questions, and would also like to thank all participants in this research project for their expert assessment of the current situation and the prospects for the development of pharmaceuticals in Russia over the coming years.
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