
Deloitte Cyber & Technology News digest

Issue #36

We are pleased to introduce the 36th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #36

Issue #35

We are pleased to introduce the 35th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #35

Issue #34

We are pleased to introduce the 34th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #34

Issue #33

We are pleased to introduce the 33rd release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #33

Issue #32

We are pleased to introduce the 32nd release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #32

Issue #31

We are pleased to introduce the 31st release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #31

Issue #30

We are pleased to introduce the 30th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #30

Issue #29

We are pleased to introduce the 29th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #29

Issue #28

We are pleased to introduce the 28th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #28

Issue #27

We are pleased to introduce the 27th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #27

Issue #26

We are pleased to introduce the 26th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #26

Issue #25

We are pleased to introduce the 25th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #25

Issue #24

We are pleased to introduce the 24th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region. Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #24

Issue #23

We are pleased to introduce the 23rd release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #23

Issue #22

We are pleased to introduce the 22nd release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #22

Issue #21

We are pleased to introduce the 21st release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #21

Issue #20

We are pleased to introduce the 20th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #20

Issue #19

We are pleased to introduce the 19th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #19

Issue #18

We are pleased to introduce the 18th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #18

Issue #17

We are pleased to introduce the 17th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #17

Issue #16

We are pleased to introduce the 16th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #16

Issue #15

We are pleased to introduce the 15th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #15

Issue #14

We are pleased to introduce the 14th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #14

Issue #13

We are pleased to introduce the 13th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #13

Issue #12

We are pleased to introduce the 12th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #12

Issue #11

We are pleased to introduce the 11th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #11

Issue #10

We are pleased to introduce the 10th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #10

Issue #9

We are pleased to introduce the 9th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #9

Issue #8

We are pleased to introduce the 8th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #8

Issue #7

We are pleased to introduce the 7th release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #7

Issue #6

We are pleased to introduce the latest release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #6

Issue #5

We are pleased to introduce the latest release of cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #5

Issue #4

We are pleased to introduce the latest cyber and technology news in Azerbaijan and the region.

Please download the pdf file to read the publication.

Cyber and Technology News Digest #4

Issue #3


Azerbaijan"TABIB BOT" - Whatsapp bot was presented in cooperation with Botbox startup and TABIB

The Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions (TABİB) together with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the local startup Botbox, launched a WhatsApp bot to answer questions about the coronavirus as well as provide fast, reliable and official information 24 hours a day.

Source:, June 1, 2020

“Nar” launches new base stations fed with alternative energy source

The new base station uses a hybrid solar system to provide seamless network experience, i.e., continuity of power supply. Thus, additional electric batteries installed in the field allow to maintain uninterrupted supply by playing the role of reserve power when the Sun's rays decrease, in cloudy weather, in the evening or at night.

Source:,June 9, 2020

Microsoft: The level of piracy in Azerbaijan significantly decreased

There is a significant reduction in the level of software piracy in Azerbaijan. The statement came from Microsoft Azerbaijan CEO Gachay Mirzayev. According to him, the reason for this reduction is the widespread use of licensed software in higher education institutions in the country.

Source:, June 10, 2020

Another case of SMS phishing fraud discovered in Azerbaijan

According to the Computer Emergency Response Center, the fraudsters sent an SMS to citizens and then called explaining that they had transferred money by mistake and demanded to return the amount.

Source:, June 16, 2020

E-Tabib mobile application was launched

E-Tabib mobile app will notify people when they are in public places whether people around them are potential carriers of the virus. The application was presented at the briefing of the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers. Those who come into contact with the carrier of the infection by chance (for example, in a queue, in a shop, etc.) will be notified and invited to a laboratory test.

Source:, June 20, 2020

Online trainings were held on "Digital Girls" project

In order to develop women's knowledge of information technology and increase their interest in ICT in the country, the social project "Digital Girls" is being successfully implemented. As a part of the project, 560 schoolchildren and young girls participated in digital technologies trainings.

Source:, June 20, 2020

E-shop to be established in Azerbaijan to buy shares

The e-shop will operate within the online platform "" created to improve investment relations between investors and entrepreneurs. Through the e-shop, customers will be able to buy shares of both local and US, European and Turkish companies.

Source:, June 24, 2020

The Law "On telecommunications" was amended

The draft amendments to the Law on Telecommunications were discussed at the plenary session of the Milli Majlis. The draft amendments to the law were put to a vote and adopted.

Source:, June 29, 2020



Deputies will legislatively support the development of digital technologies in rural areas

Parliamentarians initiated the bill in order to provide broadband Internet access to rural localities by providing the possibility of joint use of telecommunications infrastructure by Telecom operators.

Source:, June 1, 2020

Kazakh telecom’s security: new solution against Covid-19 distribution presented 

Kazakh telecom announced the successful testing and launch of a platform solution using video surveillance cameras, which was created to monitor compliance with safety standards during the pandemic. The new platform will allow you to track how carefully citizens adhere to the rules — this is the wearing of masks and maintaining the necessary distance between people.

Source:, June 3, 2020

Precinct inspectors of Almaty will receive modern tokens-video recorders

Equipping precinct inspectors with video tags will allow them to monitor their work online and ensure their safety.

Source:, June 3, 2020

Primary car registration became available online for legal entities

Service for primary registration of vehicles purchased from official dealers in Kazakhstan, on the egov has become available to legal entities, according to the press service of JSC "National information technologies".

Source:, June 3, 2020

The digitalization minimizes the tension in the healthcare sector

Kazakhstan Institute of social development, "Rouhani air" continues the series of discussions of acting legislation of social significance. The second discussion platform on the topic "Openness in the health sector: how new trends affect access to information" was held in an online format, Elorda info reports.

Source:, June 11, 2020

One billion tenge were seized by Internet scammers"

Recently, a group that organized a whole scheme of Internet fraud was exposed in Almaty. Criminals introduced cryptocurrency into circulation and seized money for one billion tenge, " Turgumbayev said.

Source:, June 11, 2020

The law on digital documents was adopted by the Parliament

The Parliament adopted the Law "On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts on the regulation of digital technologies". This law equates digital documents with paper documents, reports.

Source:, June 11, 2020

Kazakhstan took part in the discussion of the roadmap for digital cooperation within the UN

On June 11, UN Secretary-General A. Guterres presented the roadmap for digital cooperation, developed during thematic discussions on the impact of rapid technological changes on the achievement of sustainable development goals and targets.

Source:, June 12, 2020

KZ-CERT eliminated a viral mailing list that mimics the document of the Ministry of Healthcare  

The computer emergency response service (KZ-CERT) eliminated a malicious phishing email that mimics a document from the Ministry of Healthcare of Kazakhstan.

Source:, June 18, 2020

Digital hygiene: personal data in healthcare systemIn 2019, during the digitization of medicine, the project "Electronic health passport" began its work.

Gradually, by the spring of 2020, electronic health passports were formed for all Kazakhstanis according to the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan Elzhan Birtanov. Citizens can get access to them, for example, from the eGov mobile app (iOS, Android).

Source:, June 22, 2020

Illusive Networks released a feature for collecting foresight for SOC analysts

 The new functionality reduces the time for incident processing by second-level analysts by up to 90% and integrates with third-party data protection tools to improve the effectiveness of investigations. 

Source:, June 22, 2020

New head of the Information Security Committee was appointed

Ruslan Abdikalikov was appointed Chairman of the Information Security Committee of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry, Tengrinews reports with reference to the press service of the Prime Minister. 

Source:, June 22, 2020

The pandemic had a positive impact on the development of e-Commerce in Kazakhstan

By 2025, the share of e-commerce in retail turnover will reach 10%. In the period of technological development in the world, a special place is occupied by non-cash payments and e-Commerce. At the end of 2019, the global e-commerce market reached $ 3.5 trillion.

Source:, June 22, 2020

Digital map of Internet availability was launched

The Internet availability map contains data on the availability of existing optical infrastructure and mobile broadband coverage. Resource allows citizens of Kazakhstan to get information about the level of Internet access in the country's localities.

Source:, June 23, 2020

Government agencies websites were switched to a single Internet platform

Basic information about the state body and its structural division is published in open access on their official Internet resources. However, the number of such sites began to number in the hundreds, for example, the sites of ministries, their committees and departments, the sites of akimats of regions, cities, districts, villages and other departments. In order to optimize it, a single platform for Internet resources of government agencies was launched.

Source:, June 24, 2020

The Prime Minister gave a number of instructions on digitalization issues

Askar Mamin held a meeting of the presidential Commission on the implementation of digitalization, reports with a link to the official website of the Prime Minister.

Source:, June 25, 2020

The law on Legalization of digital documents and robots were signed in Kazakhstan

The head of state signed the Law "On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the regulation of digital technologies".

Source:, June 26, 2020

A mysterious cybercriminal from the darknet may be a hacker from Kazakhstan

International company Group-IB, specializing in preventing cyber-attacks, revealed the identity of an alleged Russian-speaking hacker Fxmsp, who for three years could sell access to the corporate networks of international companies on the dark net. They are believed to be a resident of Kazakhstan, Sputnik reports.

Source:, June 26, 2020


Huawei will pay taxes to Uzbekistan

Huawei Corporation is registered for tax purposes in Uzbekistan. This is reported by the state tax Committee of Uzbekistan. According to the GNC, Huawei Services (Hong Kong) Co., Limited registered in China on June 1. Earlier it was reported that such companies as Yandex, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Samsung, Apple have entered the tax register in Uzbekistan.

Source:, June 3, 2020

Mobile Internet speed in Uzbekistan increased by 18%

The speed of fixed Internet in Uzbekistan increased by 6%, and mobile Internet-by 18%. This data is provided by the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of Uzbekistan with reference to the Ookla report. According to the organization, the speed of wired Internet around the world has improved by 1%, and mobile-by 7%.

Source:, June 8, 2020

100 IT training centers to be opened in Uzbekistan

At least 100 digital technology training centers are planned to be opened in the regions of Uzbekistan. This was announced at a meeting with the President on the development of the digital economy. Educational institutions will offer young people short-term courses in the basics of programming, e-Commerce and graphic design.

Source:, June 12, 2020

The functions of the "center for digital economy research" are defined

The Government adopted a Resolution "On measures to organize the activities of certain organizations in the system of the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (No. 409, 25.06.2020).

Source:, June 29, 2020


Issue #2


International Online Conference “World Net Summit” held with the support of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies ended

World Net Summit was arranged on May 11-15 with the support of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the United Nations Development Program, SUP VC and Innoland Incubation and Acceleration Center, and under the general sponsorship of BP and with the organization of Net Summit LLC. More than 40,000 people from 26 countries watched the conference, which aroused great public interest. 

Source:, May 16, 2020

A mobile application was developed to get information about startups

The IAA Demo Day App mobile application has been developed to get information about startups in Azerbaijan. According to the Innovation Agency, users can connect with startups through the application and get detailed information about them.

Source:, May 20, 2020

Official website of the DOST Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population was launched

The site contains information on DOST legislation and the structure of the institution within 11 main sections as well as passports of services provided in DOST centers, information booklets about services, statistics, news, galleries, etc.

Source:, May 21, 2020

The State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations organized a web conference

On May 21, 2020, the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan organized a Web Conference on the Global Accessibility Awareness Day and a meeting of the e-Government Executive Group was held. 

Source:, May 21, 2020

DEMO DAY was held at the Innovation Agency

Barama Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center under the Innovation Agency under the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies held an online presentation on the results of the 12-week Pre-Acceleration Program (DEMO DAY).

Source:, May 21, 2020

Auctions to be held electronically in Azerbaijan

The e-Government Development Center of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republican Raw Materials and Commodity Exchange, as well as the relevant government agencies established an "Electronic Auction" system and put it into operation as a pilot.

Source:, May 21, 2020

Baktelecom accelerates transition to optical network in Icheri Sheher reserve and central streets

“Baku Telephone Communications” LLC (Baktelecom) of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies accelerates implementation of “Home Optics” project to provide broadband services to Baku residents.

Source:, May 22, 2020

 “Asan Imza” -  “Citizen” type will be free of charge

B.EST Solutions, the national operator of Asan Imza mobile electronic signature and a partner of the Digital Trade Hub of Azerbaijan launched the Asan Imza enhanced mobile electronic signature service for the public from June 20, 2020 (“Asan Imza” “Citizen” type) and decided to provide it free of charge for a period of 3 years. Earlier, the activation of this service costed 18 AZN.

Source:, May 22, 2020

Mi Band 4 NFC was launched in Russia - when will it come to Azerbaijan?

Russia became the second country after China to launch the NFC-enabled Mi Band 4. MasterCard helped in this matter. It will be possible to pay with shells by connecting the MasterCard to the Mi Fit application. The main problem is that the bracelet only works with MasterCard-based cards. Visa card users will not be able to use this feature.

Source:, May 29, 2020

An electronic system "Rehabilitation" will be launched in the coming months

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the "Rehabilitation" subsystem will serve for the electronic exchange of information between the ministry’s rehabilitation institutions and the Medical and Social Expert Commissions (MSEC), and the establishment of their related activities.

Source:, May 30, 2020



Sites of government agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the portal attacked from 48 countries

A DDoS attack from the foreign segment of the Internet was carried out on government agencies websites and portal. This was reported by the press service of National Information Technologies JSC, reports.

Source:, May 12, 2020

Persons illegally changing information in the state database were convicted

The National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan stopped the activities of persons who organized the criminal scheme of illegal license issue by modifying the information in the State “E-Licensing” database. Signs of criminal activity were recorded by the operational center for information security of JSC National Information Technologies, established within “Cyber Shield” concept of Kazakhstan.

Source:, May 21, 2020

Issue #1


Language learning platform was launched in Azerbaijan

DillBill, Azerbaijan's first online foreign language school, is a project supported by the INNOLAND Incubation and Acceleration Center. DillBill includes both online classes and online chat clubs. With the help of experienced teachers, excellent resources and the most advanced teaching aids, users will be able to develop listening, writing, reading and speaking skills in English without leaving home or office. 

Source:, April 9, 2020

Video conferencing service based on Azcloud cloud infrastructure was launched

Based on Azcloud cloud infrastructure, the "videoconferencing as a service" (VCaaS) was launched in Azerbaijan for the first time. Any organization, regardless of the distance, can achieve a high level of activity by holding continuous video meetings. Video conferencing can be conducted both globally and nationally.

Source:, May 7, 2020

DPC launched "Cloud-based digital signature" project

"Cloud-based signature" allows you to conduct banking operations more easily, to carry out the process of signing documents in electronic form, safely and quickly. The cloud-based signature management system covers both the confirmation of legal obligations and the creation of a secure environment.

Source:, May 12, 2020

Azcloud launched the "Archiving as a service" (AaaS) 

The service allows companies and organizations to keep their information reliable and affordable. Data volume can be compressed up to 2.5 times. This, in turn, allows a data carrier to store up to 15 TB of data. 

Source:, May 13, 2020

Mobile internet access speed increased in Azerbaijan

In April, the speed of incoming Internet traffic in the networks of Azerbaijan’s mobile operators was 27.53 Mbit / s. According to Speedtest Global Index of Ookla, , this figure increased by 1.8% compared to March.

Source:, May 16, 2020



Kazakhstanis were threatened with "COVID-19 malware"

During the monitoring of the Kazakh Internet segment for information security incidents, KZ-CERT Service identified a number of Internet resources and applications for mobile devices and workstations containing malicious software.

Source:, April 6, 2020

Zhumagaliev spokeabout cyber-attacks on E-gov site

Askar Zhumagaliyev, the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, commented on committed cyber attacks on during a live broadcast on Instagram, reports.

Source:, April 9, 2020

The Center for Analysis and Investigation of Cyber Attacks ranked the sites of Kazakhstan banks by level of web security

The Center for Analysis and Investigation of Cyber Attacks conducted a study and compiled a web security rating of the official websites of banks in Kazakhstan.

Source:, April 22, 2020

Telegram-bot on information security issues was launched in Kazakhstan

The computer incident response service KZ-CERT announced the launch of the @kz_cert_bot Telegram bot. This was done in order to increase the awareness of Kaznet users about existing threats to information security and ways to counter them.

Source:, May 5, 2020

Kazakhstan government agencies underwent DDoS attack

In Kazakhstan, problems were recorded with the Internet resources of government agencies, including the eGov portals, E-licensing and all components of e-government.

Source:, May 12, 2020

The number of phishing attacks increased over the period of COVID-19 emergency state in Kazakhstan 

The KZ-CERT service has registered about three thousand information security incidents since an emergency state was declared in Kazakhstan. Of these, 409 incidents were phishing-related, which is 2.5 times higher than the last year - over the same period in 2019, the overall number of such incidents was 164.

Source:, May 12, 2020


IDC held a regional online conference in Central Asia on the issue of information security in a pandemic

On April 16, IDC, an international analytical company, hosted the Antivirus Online Session, an online conference entitled “Security as a Component of a Sustainable Business Strategy in the New World Realities” in Central Asia. Over 150 leaders and experts from seven countries of the region in the field of information security attended the conference. 

Source:, April 21, 2020

Uzbekistan Humo payment system crashed

Due to the increase in the number of transactions made using Humo plastic cards, a failure occurred in the payment system. This was reported by Xalq Bank. According to the financial institution, the growth in transactions is associated with an increase in cash withdrawals from cards. As a result of malfunctions, pensioners and beneficiaries with Humo plastic card were not able to freely use their money, “Kursiv” reported.

Source:, May 12, 2020


Information Security issues discussed in Dushanbe

A seminar dedicated to “Breakthrough methods and information protection technologies” was held in Dushanbe with the participation of information companies of the Russian Federation.

Source:, April 12, 2020

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