
IPO services

Maximising value on the IPO Journey

Having an experienced adviser to add insight and expertise to your IPO Journey from the very beginning will give you the maximum opportunity for success.

The IPO Journey – maximising your potential

An IPO is a once in a lifetime opportunity and being well prepared is critical to

success. The process is incredibly complex and your IPO journey is likely to take many

twists and turns. Anticipation, sound advice and thorough planning will therefore be

necessary to meet your listing objective.


Ensuring that the business is being run with a public exit in mind, that the strategy

and execution are clear and that the process is well understood are key considerations.

Areas such as clarity of business strategy, efficient corporate and tax structuring,

corporate governance, external financial reporting and employee incentivisation are all

examples of value drivers which will impact the success of your IPO.


Addressing these areas early before the intensity of the IPO process begins will help

to ensure that everything runs smoothly, disruption to the business is minimised and

the focus is on value enhancement rather than fire fighting. Identifying and fixing

problems while there is time will add value, preserve the timetable and avoid a crucial

window of opportunity being missed.

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Why we are well placed to assist you

Across Deloitte we have a wealth of IPO experience. Our team has travelled this route

countless times before and can assist you at every stage of your IPO Journey.

Our team is truly multi-disciplinary, covering corporate finance advisory, audit,

transaction services, taxation and other specialists from across the fi rm. This enables

us to provide fi rst class advice, not only on technical issues and matters of process,

but also on the wider reaching strategic and commercial considerations that you

would expect from an independent financial adviser.


How Deloitte can help you maximise the value of your IPO


With Deloitte as your adviser you have constant access to the whole Deloitte network

to help with the anticipated and unanticipated problems that will inevitably arise.

Our team has a wealth of direct experience in successfully preparing companies for an

IPO and supporting them as the process unfolds. We deploy skilled teams that take a

hands-on approach: from the prompt, clear identification of what needs to be done,

advising on every step along the way, through to delivering tangible results.

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We have assisted over half the CIS companies now listed on local and foreign exchanges by offering them integrated IPO services, which include: 


• IPO Readiness Diagnostic to determine your readiness for IPO 

• IPO Assist we work as an integrated part of your team to provide you with the right level of assistance to complement your existing skills and resources. 

• Tax and legal restructuring in preparation for IPO

• IFRS reporting and fast close, to meet the exchanges’ requirements 

• Executive remuneration plans to motivate your Board, during and following the IPO 

• Corporate governance advice on transparency, risk management, Board composition, etc.


The combination of our specialised team and our significant capital markets

experience gives us confidence that we can deliver the most valuable and cost

effective solutions to you to enable a smooth and efficient IPO process.

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