Operations Transformation Offerings


Operations Transformation Offerings

Operations Excellence

Our  clients  are  navigating  a  shifting  landscape  characterized  by  increasing  customer  expectations,  economic  and regulatory  uncertainty,  and  rapid  public  adoption  of  new  technologies  and  channels.  Deloitte’s  Operations  Excellence practice brings a unique depth of sector and functional knowledge to transform core processes through agile delivery. We work with clients across all industries applying next-generation solutions, including robotics and cognitive tools, to optimize operations  and ensure they meet the organization’s cost, customer experience and growth objectives.


Helps  clients  design  and  deliver  processes  to  enhance  experiences  through  customer-led design.


Helps clients improve processes and transform in a landscape of increasing regulation.


Helps  clients  redesign  processes  and  identify  opportunities  for  automation  to  improve customer experience and eliminate waste.


Helps clients design processes that are digital by default and deliver across all channels.


Key contacts


Alexey Sukhanov




Enterprise Model Design & Transformation Programs

Enterprise Model Design helps organizations drive operational changes required to achieve its vision. We connect  the strategy and business model to the appropriate operating model; creating organisational agility, defining the capabilities required to win, leveraging the full potential of technology and helping businesses to embrace modern technologies that help them thrive in today’s digital world. Transformation Programs helps organizations design, execute and manage large-scale transformation programs with a singular focus on value realisation.


We help companies realise their strategy by:

Defining the interaction and accountability between corporate, business units, customer segments, support functions and geographies.

Designing   business   capability   blueprints   and   multi-layered   operating   models   that leverage the power of digital technologies and, integrate technology in every aspect of the organisation’s  enterprise  model  design  and  establish  organizational  agility  to  optimize entire businesses, specific functions or business units.


We offer a big-picture perspective to your C-suite; providing critical decision-making, risk management,  and  resource  tools  with  industry  focus  to  help  you  navigate  the  journey; and chart a course for the least resistance, cost, and delay in achieving your objectives.

Deloitte’s  approach  to  Transformation  leverages  its  significant  experience  in  driving change  in large-scale, complex transformations  across  industries,  while focusing  on  the need  for  appropriate  talent,  process,  systems,  and  tools  to  manage  critical  integration points and risk factors.


Key contacts


Alexey Sukhanov




Strategic Cost Transformation

Support  clients  to  optimize  and align costs strategically  through  the implementation  of  traditional  approaches,  target operating models and advanced cost solutions related to automation and cognitive technologies. Our final aim is helping clients to transform their business and operations to achieve sustainable actions that allow capture of savings, margin improvement and strategically allocate resources to growth initiatives.


Save  to  turnaround.  Focus  on  immediate  actions  to  reduce  costs,  maximize  liquidity,  bring stability, and capture savings to avoid further deterioration of the business.


Save  to fund.  Focus  on actions  that help  improve cost  and competitive  position,  avert cuts that  might  inhibit  future  growth,  and  rebalance  costs  to  fund  investments  in  business strategy enablers.


Save  to  grow.  Enable  or  develop  a  scalable  cost  or  business  platform  to  fuel  growth  and investment in core capabilities while supporting a differentiated business strategy.


Save to transform. Improve business operations through application of disruptive cost approaches  such  as  automation  and  cognitive  solutions  to  enable  agile  strategies  in  the business and set the stage to thrive in a fast changing market environment.


Key contacts


Alexey Sukhanov



Global Business Services

Deloitte’s  Global  Business  Services  practice  focuses  on optimally linking multiple  stakeholders  in a  global,  responsive, integrated  and  dynamic  service  delivery  network.  It  focuses  on  delivering  required  value  ‘on-time,  all-the-time’  by building a network of right nodes by creating a common governance model and standardized infrastructure to deliver services   across   geographies,   business   units,   functions   and   business   processes   to   improve   delivery   efficiency, effectiveness while also creating next generation platforms in SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) and Intelligent Automation.


Helps  organizations  realign  processes  and  services  into  centralized  standardized  operating models (cost effective and quality driven), effectively supporting the business and providing a platform to enable future growth in one to multiple countries while allowing the companies to focus on the core business.


Helps organizations evaluate the value of outsourcing and how to successfully navigate the full  lifecycle  of  the  outsourcing  journey,  including  IT,  Finance,  Procurement  and  industry specific processes.


Helps  our  clients  modernize  their  outsourced/shared  services,  including  helping  them  to embrace and prepare for new technologies (e.g. robotics).


Key contacts


Mark Gililov


Igor Lyapin


Revenue Cycle

Our end-to-end Revenue Cycle transformation services help clients achieve financial goals of net revenue improvement, cash acceleration, and cost reduction through the following approaches:

  • End-to-End Transformation: Redesign processes, enhance technology, redesign operating model, lower cost through robotics and process automation
  • Charge Integrity/Reimbursement: Enhanced revenue capture and reconciliation processes to improve net revenue
  • Patient Experience: Develop and implement a customer and digital patient strategy to improve efficiency, outcomes, and patient satisfaction
  • Compliance and Regulatory Risk: Evaluate/monitor risk and compliance of key systems and processes with US and state regulations

Client relations management

A strong customer focus is required of those who want to succeed in the contemporary business environment. It means that companies are increasingly building competitive advantages around unique relations with clients - from understanding their individual needs to developing communication technology.

Our comprehensive CRM services help businesses to determine their strategy, increase performance quality, decrease costs of engagement, servicing and retention of clients due to the clear understanding of their distinct characteristics. 

Key contacts


Alexey Sukhanov



Robotics & Cognitive Innovation

Deloitte’s  Operations  Transformation  practice  applies  robotic  process  automation  (RPA)  to achieve enhanced business productivity, process accuracy, by replicating human actions.  This cross-industry offering is a part of our global Robotics & Cognitive Innovation offering which we collectively refer to as the Deloitte Cognitive Advantage.


Move employees up the value chain and improve performance - reducing errors, time, and cost  through  the  use  of  software  to  augment  or  replicate  human  actions  and  decisions. Example: RPA processes credit card applications in a fraction of the time, based on pre-defined rules.