Managed Services


Application Managed Services

Today’s information technology landscape is more complex than ever, and the cost to maintain it continues to climb. Deloitte’s application management specialists can help companies overcome these challenges to improve application performance and achieve better business results. We provide a flexible structure that enables businesses to fine tune application management services (AMS) to their IT and business objectives. We offer a full range of industry-leading services, including digital, enterprise resource planning, information management, and systems integration. This capability is underpinned by our managed service advisory function that supports our clients to select the optimum managed service model and successfully transition to the target state.

Tech Trends 2016

Innovating in the digital era

Today’s CIOs – across industries, geographies, and company sizes – have the opportunity to shape tomorrow for every corner of their organization by transforming “business as usual” – imagining the future, while responsibly getting there from the realities of today.

Deloitte’s seventh annual Tech Trends report identifies eight trends that are likely to disrupt businesses in the next 18-24 months – from blockchain to augmented reality, the Internet of Things, socially responsible applications of technology and more.

executive management program

Meet our leaders

Tural Hajiyev

Tural Hajiyev

Partner, Technology & Transformation

Tural is Risk Advisory Partner at Deloitte Azerbaijan. He joined Deloitte in 2003, specializing in corporate governance and risk management as well as organizational and operational efficiency engagem... More