
Deloitte's Risk Angles Series

Staying ahead of what's next

Risk Angles is Deloitte’s series of short, powerful interviews, designed to inform on pressing risk topics. Explore a wide range of governance, risk, and compliance issues – and stay ahead of what’s next.


The compliance and risk management functions have grown much closer in recent years, to the point where conversations about compliance inevitably involve discussions of risk. Intensifying enforcement, the rising cost of compliance breaches, and the underlying risk of reputation damage are all forces Chief Compliance Officers must reckon with. 

This edition of Risk Angles discusses the evolution of the compliance function, emerging compliance risks and takes a closer look at the evolving role of the CCO.

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Social business isn't limited to just marketing or PR. Today, it's a top driver of decisions that influence business outcomes in an organization, exposing it to drastically different, potentially disruptive ways to engage with, learn from, and collaborate with customers, suppliers, employees, and even the public.

This edition of Risk Angles explores social business risk and takes a closer look at compliance-related risk.

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Boards of directors are working hard to define and fulfill their risk governance and risk oversight roles and responsibilities. Staying abreast (or ahead) of a changing economic, business, competitive, and regulatory landscapes is the order of the day. This means directing their risk oversight efforts toward the most productive areas and assisting management in ways that most benefit shareholders and other stakeholders.

This edition of Risk Angles discusses ways in which boards of directors can sharpen their focus on risk and take a closer look at global practices regarding board-level risk.

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