
Consulting on technological vision and architecture 

Technology has long since entered the business. Now it becomes an indispensable part of it – it gives a competitive advantage, reduces costs, allows you to offer innovative products and services. It also left the domain of "traditional IT". Our team has set out to help CIOs, CFOs and CIOs navigate the ever-changing waters of technological development.  

How much has technology permeated our world? Try turning off your cell phone for a week. Or go on holiday to a country where you don't have roaming. When we talk about technology, we often subconsciously mean "IT". Yes, it still plays a very important role in the organization, but technology has long since left the comfort of the server room. She left the peaceful world of accounting databases and inventory.  

Now your technologies are directly in contact with your customers, and they are often your core product. What has not changed are the rules that govern them. Each technological product consists of a set of applications and, possibly, a device. From the management point of view, these applications are no different from "classic" ERP or central banking systems.  

You need to monitor their life cycle, design architecture, data flows, infrastructure or change delivery processes. That's what our team does. We help organizations navigate the ever-changing and growing technology stack. We plan the "division of responsibility" between applications, design data flows, help to choose the right technology and technical infrastructure.  For the implemented solutions, we arrange an appropriate set of DevOps processes and procedures that allow us to minimize cases of "tests" in production.

For the developed architecture, we plan architectural processes so that our products can be further developed within the organization. Whether your organization is small or large, if technology plays a significant role in it (or you want to know what role it could play), our services are for you!  

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