Life at Deloitte
International Women’s Day 2013
Empower. Invest. Accelerate.
Despite decades of increased focus on gender diversity, only 4.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO's are women. Globally, only 10.5 percent of board members are women. What is missing from strategies to empower and advance women leadership? Many experts contend it is inclusion.
On 5 March, the Deloitte Global Diversity team hosted the 5th annual International Women's Day (IWD) webcast: Empower. Invest. Accelerate. Inclusive leadership as the missing link for advancing women.
The event featured a panel of business and government leaders from Asia, Europe, and the Americas exploring the concept of inclusive leadership and its impact on improved gender equality, diversity of thought, and organizational performance.
Download a recording of the webcast and join the conversation across Deloitte's social media networks (#IWD2013) in this salute to women leaders on International Women’s Day.